西宁市油松人工林生长季水量平衡特征 ( EI收录)
Water Balance Characters of Pinus tabuliformis Plantation in Xining City of China
英文题名:Water Balance Characters of Pinus tabuliformis Plantation in Xining City of China
作者:刘文浩[1,2] 王晓[2] 段文标[1] 于澎涛[2] 王彦辉[2] 于艺鹏[2]
外文期刊名:Scientia Silvae Sinicae
外文关键词:plantations of Pinus tabuliformis;water balance;canopy interception;tree transpiration;forest floor evapotranspiration;water yield from forestland;Xining City
摘要:【目的】深入理解和定量评价西宁市重要造林树种油松人工林的水文影响,为其林水协调的多功能管理提供科学依据。【方法】在西宁市湟水林场选择中龄、郁闭的油松人工林典型样地,于2021年生长季(6—10月)同步监测林外降水、林冠截持、干流、穿透雨、树木蒸腾、林下蒸散和土壤含水量变化,并基于水量平衡计算林地产流。【结果】1)生长季降水量为396.5 mm,林冠截留量、林木蒸腾量和林下蒸散量分别为117.6、109.4和187.5 mm,各占同期降水量的29.66%、27.59%和47.29%,存在先增后减的月份变化。2)0~100 cm土层储水量在生长季净增130.2 mm,接受高达189.3 mm的外来输入水分(来自深层土壤及上坡);土壤体积含水量6—8月为消耗期,整体走势一直减少,均在10%以下,存在明显的土壤干旱胁迫;9—10月为恢复期,呈波动上升趋势,均在9.3%以上。3)生长季总蒸散量为414.5 mm,超过同期降水量18.0 mm;基于0~100 cm土层水量平衡,考虑外来输水和土壤储水变化影响后,林地净产流-18.0 mm,即林地可降低坡面或流域产流。【结论】在西宁市半干旱气候条件下,即使在丰水的2021年生长季,自然降水也难以满足郁闭的油松人工林蒸散耗水需求,需通过降低密度(郁闭度)减少蒸散或适当灌溉补水来维持林分的抗旱稳定性,以保障其发挥好城市景观林的主导功能。
【Objective】This study was aimed to deeply understand and quantitatively evaluate the hydrological effects of plantations of Pinus tabuliformis,an important afforestation tree species in Xining City,Qinghai Province of China,for providing scientific basis for the coordinated forest-water management.【Method】Representative sample plots of middle-aged and closed stands of P.tabuliformis plantations were selected in the Huangshui Forest Farm,Xining City.During the growing season of 2021(June-October),the variations of precipitation in open field,canopy intercession,stemflow,throughfall,tree transpiration,forest floor evapotranspiration,and soil moisture were monitored simultaneously,and the water yield from sample plots was calculated based on water balance.【Result】The study showed:1)The precipitation in the growing season amounted to 396.5 mm,while the canopy interception,tree transpiration,forest floor evapotranspiration amounted to 117.6,109.4,187.5 mm,respectively,accounting for 29.66%,27.59%,47.29%of precipitation during the same period,and showing an obvious monthly variation of firstly increase and then decrease.2)The water storage of 0-100 cm soil layer was increased by 130.2 mm,showing an extra water input of 189.3 mm from outside(deep soil layers and upslope).The volumetric soil moisture of 0-100 cm soil layer varied as a consumption period from June to August,showing an overall decrease trend with values of volumetric soil moisture of always below 10%,indicating the existence of soil drought stress;while as a recovery period from September to October,showing a fluctuating upward trend with values of volumetric soil moisture of always above 9.3%.3)The total evapotranspiration in the growing season amounted to 414.5 mm,which was 18.0 mm higher than the precipitation.After considering the influences of extra water input and soil water storage changes,the net water yield from the stand plot was calculated as?18.0 mm,indicating that the plantation did not contribute to,but used/decreased the water yield from hillslope or watershed.【Conclusion】In conclusion,even if the precipitation in the growing season of 2021 was higher than the mean annual precipitation of Xining City,the evapotranspiration of the closed stand of P.tabuliformis plantation cannot be satisfied by the natural precipitation under the semi-arid climate of Xining City.Therefore,it is necessary to maintain the stand stability against drought stress by lowering the tree density(canopy density)to reduce stand evapotranspiration or by appropriate irrigation to make up the water deficit,so as to ensure the desired dominant functions of urban landscape plantations.