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AdvancesinB0tryosphaeriaceae:identification,phylogenyandmolecularecology     被引量:21

Advances in Botryosphaeriaceae : identification, phylogeny and molecular ecology



英文题名:Advances in Botryosphaeriaceae : identification, phylogeny and molecular ecology

作者:程燕林[1] 梁军[1] 吕全[1] 张星耀[1]








外文期刊名:Acta Ecologica Sinica




外文关键词:Botryosphaeriaceae ; molecular ecology ; phylogeny ; genetic diversity ; molecular markers


摘要:葡萄座腔菌科(Botryosphaeriaceae)真菌是农业和林业上重要的病原菌、内生真菌或潜在的致病菌,主要引起树木溃疡病。这类真菌种类繁多,寄主范围广,广泛分布于全球,在生态系统中占有重要的地位。综述了近年来国内外在葡萄座腔菌科的分子生态学研究方面取得的新进展。介绍了葡萄座腔菌科真菌物种鉴定及其研究方法方面的发展,并列出了2006年以来发现的6个新属和38个新种;概述了该科各个种、属之间的系统发育关系以及科内区分的18个群。在真菌种群遗传结构及其与寄主关系方面,已有研究表明葡萄座腔菌科真菌大体可分为寄主专化型和广谱寄生型两种类型,并已经揭示了无性型为Diplodia,Lasiodiplodia和Dothiorella等部分种群的遗传结构及它们与寄主之间的联系。在种内遗传多样性和基因流动研究方面,展示了利用ISSR、SSR等分子标记方法取得的一些重要结果,有些种群(如Lasiodiplodia theobromae)没有寄主专化性,它们在不同寄主间表现出很强的基因流动,但在不同区域内的基因交流却很有限。讨论了该科分子生态学研究有待进一步解决的问题。
Members of the Botryosphaeriaceae are known to be cosmopolitan and occupy crucial niches in ecosystems. Some species are economically important pathogens, causing serious die-back, cankers, and leaf spot diseases of woody plants. The others are saprobes, endophytes or as potential pathogens in agriculture and forestry. They have large numbers of species and a broad host range. The up-to-date advances in molecular ecology of the Botryosphaeriaceae were reviewed. Firstly, a brief introduction to the developmental history on the species identification and the methods was made. Six new genera and 38 new species published after 2006 were listed, six new species of which were from China belonging to the genus Guignardia. At the same time, a large number of species were treated as synonymys, but some synonyms, e.g. Botryosphaerla berengeriana were still used in some countries such as China and Japan. Phylogenetic relationships among these genera and species were discussed and 18 groups were recognized within this family based on morphology and DNA sequence data, including large subunit (LSU) and the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions 1 and 2 and the 5.8S gene of the ribosomal RNA, the portion of gene encoding translation elongation factor 1 alfa (EF1-α) and Bt2 regions of the beta tubulin gene (β-tubulin). Moreover, the genus Dothidotthia, which formerly was treated as a member of the Botryosphaeriaceae, was eliminated. In the respect of population genetic structure and patterns of host association, botryosphaeriaceous fungi were divided into two groups, host specialization and host neutralization. In general, members in Botryosphaeriaceae did not show an obvious host specialization, while some populations displayed a certain degree of host association. The associations between Botryosphaeria spp. and their host plants were revealed, which showed that Diplodia pinea and D. scrobiculata only occur on Pinus and other conifers, Neofusicoccum eucalyptorum and N. eucalypticola only occur on Eucalyptus, and N. protearum and Saccharata protea only occur on Proteaceae. Intra-specific genetic diversity and gene flow in Botryosphaeriaceae were successfully investigated using inter-simple sequence repeat ( ISSR), simple sequence repeats (SSR), random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD), amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) and other molecular marker methods. The level of genotypic diversity of Diplodia pinea populations were compared using SSR method. It is South Africa, New Zealand, and Australia from high to low in turn and the morphotype B of D. pinea were most diverse among all the four morphotypes. Lasiodiplodia theobromae populations from different host plants and regions were analyzed using SSR method. The results indicated that they are not host-specialized and gene flow is very strong among different hosts but limited geographic regions. It is of certain directive significance to control diseases caused by Botryosphaeria spp. to review status of molecular ecology of these fungi. Finally, deficiency of present researches was pointed and problems need to be solved in future research were briefly proposed.



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