内蒙古乌兰布和沙漠主要灌木光合日变化特征比较研究 被引量:6
Comparative Study on Diurnal Variation Characteristics of Photosynthesis of Main Shrubs in Ulanbuh Desert in Inner Mongolia
英文题名:Comparative Study on Diurnal Variation Characteristics of Photosynthesis of Main Shrubs in Ulanbuh Desert in Inner Mongolia
作者:刘芳[1] 黄雅茹[1] 陈海玲[1] 马迎宾[1] 葛根巴图[1] 董雪[1] 张晓燕[2]
外文期刊名:Research of Soil and Water Conservation
外文关键词:Ulanbuh Desert ; shrub ;photosynthetic characteristics; diurnal variations
The diurnal variations of photosynthetic characteristics of 14 species of drought-tolerant plants including Calligonum L., Tamarix and Caragana Fabr. were studied in Ulanbuh Desert. The results showed that. (1) diurnal variations of net photosynthesis rates of 14 plants were double-peak curves, the peaks were at 10.00 and 16:00, respectively, and had obvious siesta phenomena of photosynthesis, and the impact factor was mainly stomatal change. Net photosynthesis rates decreased in the order of Caragana korshinskii Kom〉 Caragana intermedia Kuang et H. C. Fu〉 Calligonum arborescens Litv. 〉 Tamaricc hohenackeri Bunge〉 Tamarix leptostach ys Bunge〉 Calligonum leucocladum ( Schrenk ) Bunge〉calligonum east〉 Tamarix austromongolica Nakai〉 Caragana roborovskyi Kom. 〉 Tamarix ramosissima Ledeb. Calligonum caput-medusae Schrenk〉 Tamarix elongata Ledeb. 〉Caragana stenophylla Pojark. 〉Calligo- hum rubicundum Bge; (2) Calligonum L. and Tamarix transpiration rate changes were single-peak curves, the peaks were at 10..00 and 14:00, respectively, the species of the Caragana Fabr. transpiration rate was double-peak curves, the peaks were at 10.00 and 16:00, respectively. Transpiration rates decreased in the sequence of Tarnarix hohenackeri Bunge〉Tamarix leptostachys Bunge〉Tamarix austromongolica Nakai〉Caragana korshinskii Kom〉Caragana roborovskyi Kom. 〉Caragana interrnedia Kuang et H. C. Fu〉Tamarix ramosissima Ledeb. 〉 Calligonum leucocladum (Schrenk) Bunge〉 Tamarix elongata Ledeb. Calligonum arborescens Litv. 〉 Caragana stenophylla Pojark. 〉 Calligonum caput-medusae Schrenk calligonum east^Calligonum rubicundum Bge〉 (3) diurnal variations of water use efficiency were double-peak curves, water use efficiency in the morning was higher than in the afternoon, the peak appeared at 10:00, water use efficiency decreased in the order of Calligonum arborescens Litv. 〉Calligonum rubicundum Bge〉 Tamarix elongata Ledeb〉Caragana korshinskii Kom〉Calligonum leucocladum ( Schrenk) Bunge Calligonum caput-medusae Schrenk〉calligonum east〉Caragana intermedia Kuang et H. C. Fu〉Tamaria ramosissima Ledeb〉Caragana stenophylla Pojark〉Tamariac austromongolica Nakai〉Caragana roborovskyi Kom〉Tamarix leptostachys Bunge〉Tamariac hohenackeri Bunge; (4) under the same envi ronment conditions, Calligonum arborescens Litv. , Tamariz elongata Ledeb. and Caragana korshinskii Kom had relatively strong ability to adapt the arid environment.