马尾松幼林施肥效应综合分析 被引量:40
Synthetic Analysis on the Fertilization Effects for Young Pinus massoniana Plantation
英文题名:Synthetic Analysis on the Fertilization Effects for Young Pinus massoniana Plantation
外文期刊名:Scientia Silvae Sinicae
基金:世行贷款国家造林项目 :主要树种丰产林施肥技术研究与推广项目资助
外文关键词:Pinus massoniana%, Young stands, Effect of fertilization
摘要:1991- 2 0 0 2年在广西凭祥市热林中心伏波实验场花岗岩发育的山地红壤上 ,对马尾松幼林进行了不同施肥配比和不同施肥时间试验 ,结果表明 :施肥对马尾松的造林成活率影响十分明显 ,方差分析显示 ,处理之间达到了极显著的差异 ,经多重比较 ,施NP、PK、NPK等复混肥做基肥的处理 ,其造林成活率都很低 ,与CK比都达到了极显著差异。对试验林进行连续 12a的生长量观测 ,从其生长曲线图可以看出 ,施肥对马尾松幼林生长的影响是长期的 ,初期肥效优的处理能连续保持其优势 ,反之亦然。对两试验第 11年生的生长量进行方差分析 ,除不同时间施肥试验处理之间的蓄积量达到显著差异外 ,其余项目差异都不显著 ,但对生长的影响有所不同。在配比试验中对马尾松幼林生长最好的处理为P2 (P2 O5用量 10 0kg·hm- 2 ) ,其树高、胸径、蓄积量与CK比分别增加了 3 75 %、14 17%、33 6 0 % ;在不同时间施肥试验中以Pe处理为最优 ,马尾松幼林的树高、胸径、蓄积量与CK比分别增加了3 98%、2 7.5 7%、4 5 .76 % ,多重比较还表明
To find out the effects of fertilization and fertilization time on the survival rate and tree growth of young Pinus massoniana, a study was carried out on the mountain red soil sites derived from granite at Fubo Experimental Farm of Experimental Center of Tropical Forestry of CAF, in Pingxiang city of Guangxi Autonomous Region from 1991 to 2002. The results showed that there was an evident influence on the survival rate of %Pinus massoniana% by fertilization Variance Analysis showed that there were extremely significant differences among the treatments. By means of Multiple Comparison, it was found that the survival rate of the young trees fertilized with NP, PK and NPK as basal fertilizers was significant lower than CK. Based on the 12 years' successively determined data, the growth curves showed that fertilization had long time effect on the growth of the young %Pinus massoniana% and the better treatments at the beginning would continue to maintain predominance in the end. Variance Analysis of the growth increment data observed for 11 years, showed that there were not significant differences among treatments except their stand volume. The effects of the different treatments on the growth of %Pinus massoniana% were different. The best fertilizer treatment was P-2(P-2O-5:100 kg5hm+{-2}), in which the tree height, DBH and stand volume increased by 3^75%, 14^17% and 33^60% respectively than those of CK. The optimum time was P among all the time treatments, in which the tree height, DBH and stand volume increased by 3^98%, 27^57% and 45^76% respectively than those of CK. Furthermore, the stand volume of Pe treatment was significant higher than that of CK.