华南丘陵区坡向和坡位对西南桦和灰木莲生长的影响 被引量:10
Effect of slope aspect and position on growth performance of Betula alnoides and Magnoliaceae glanca in hilly mountains of South China
英文题名:Effect of slope aspect and position on growth performance of Betula alnoides and Magnoliaceae glanca in hilly mountains of South China
作者:陈耀辉[1] 赵志刚[2] 李保彬[1] 王春胜[2] 许伟兵[1] 郭俊杰[2] 黎新宇[1] 曾杰[2]
外文期刊名:Journal of Central South University of Forestry & Technology
外文关键词:slope aspect; slope position; Betula alnoides; Magnoliaceae glance; site selection
摘要:以广东省东江林场引种的7年生西南桦Betula alnoidas和灰木莲Magnoliaceae glanca人工林为对象,分别于阳坡和阴坡设置样带调查其生长表现,分析华南丘陵山地坡向和坡位对2个树种生长的影响,为其人工林规模发展提供技术支撑。结果表明:(1)西南桦胸径在坡向间差异不显著(P>0.0 5),坡位间差异极显著(P<0.01),其树高在坡向和坡位间均差异极显著,灰木莲胸径和树高在坡向和坡位间均差异极显著,两个树种胸径和树高在坡位间的差异均高于坡向间,且总体上表现出随坡位升高而减小的趋势。(2)2者冠幅的变化规律与胸径一致;西南桦冠长在阳坡随坡位升高而减小,在阴坡则随坡位升高而增大,而灰木莲冠长在阴坡随坡位升高而增大,在阳坡的坡位间差异不显著。(3)西南桦活枝下高和死枝下高仅在阳坡的坡位间差异显著(P<0.05),而灰木莲在坡向和坡位间均差异显著;西南桦活枝下高和死枝下高均大于灰木莲,而灰木莲的死枝宿存区段长度大于西南桦。(4)综合生长及自然整枝能力分析可知,坡向和坡位对灰木莲的影响大于西南桦;从早期生长表现来看,灰木莲在阴坡较阳坡适宜,且最宜在下坡种植,而西南桦则在阴坡及阳坡的中下坡均适宜。
The effects of slope aspect and position on growth performance of Betula alnoides and Magnoliaceae glanca were investigated in their seven-year-old plantation s at hilly sites of Guangdong province Dongjiang state forest farm, so as to provide technical suppor t for large scale development of b oth species in south China. The results showed as follows:(1) Diameter at breast height(DBH) of B. alnoides differed significantly among positions(P〈0.01) rather than between slope aspects(P〉0.05), while its height was remarkably different among slope positions and aspects as well as DBH an d height of M. glauca. The differences of DBH and height among slope positions were higher than those between slope aspects for both species, and decreased with slope positions ascending.(2) Crown diameters of both species changed the same as those of their DBH with slope aspects and positions, cro wn length declined on sunny slope and increased on shady slopes as slope positions ascending for B. alnoides, while increased on shady slopes and did not differ in sunny slopes for M. glauca.(3) Significant difference of heights of crown base and the first dead branch were seen among slope pos itions only in sunny slope for B. alnoides, while among both slope positions and aspects for M. glauca(P〈0.05), the former were higher than the latter, and the length of dead branch was larger for M. glauca than for B. alnoides.(4) It could be concluded from growth performance and natural pruning capacity that the effects of slope position and aspects were higher for M. glauca than for B. alnoides, M. glauca is suitable to be planted on lower slope of shady slope rather than sunny slope, and B. alnoides on middle and lower slopes of both shady and sunny slopes.