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红椎和西南桦人工林木材的机械加工性能     被引量:22

Machining Characteristics of Castanopsis hystrix and Butula alnoides Plantation Wood



英文题名:Machining Characteristics of Castanopsis hystrix and Butula alnoides Plantation Wood

作者:江京辉[1] 吕建雄[1]








外文期刊名:Scientia Silvae Sinicae





外文关键词:Betula alnoides ; Castanopsis hystrix ; Quercus mongolica ; machining property ; quality grade value ; quality grade


摘要:以红椎和西南桦人工林木材为研究对象,以国内常用阔叶材蒙古栎为对照试材,参照美国材料试验协会标准(ASTM D1666-87)与新西兰林业科学研究院标准,分别对其机械加工性能(刨削、砂光、钻孔、成型铣削、榫眼加工、车削、横截)进行全面测试,在此基础上对各项机械加工缺陷进行分类,并根据各自标准对各项性能进行等级评定。结果表明:1)对于机械加工性能而言,西南桦和蒙古栎的车削性能分别为良和中,其他6项均属于优;而红椎木材的车削和榫眼加工2项性能为良,其他5项性能为优;2)红椎、西南桦和蒙古栎3种木材机械加工性能质量等级值分别为4.07,4.35和4.32,同属为优级;3)根据成型铣削试验结果,西南桦木材平行区域宜采用顺铣的加工方法,对角区和端面区域采用逆铣;红椎对角区宜采用顺铣的加工方法,平行区和端面区域宜采用逆铣;蒙古栎的3个区域均可采用顺铣方式加工;4)红椎和西南桦木材经80目和120目砂纸先后砂光后,其轮廓算术平均偏差(Ra)的平均值要比经120目砂纸砂光2遍的小,其波动程度也要小,而蒙古栎的情况恰恰相反;蒙古栎经刨削[刨刀转速5000r·min-1,每英寸(2.54cm)刀痕数40,加工厚度0.8mm]处理后表面质量要优于经过砂光(先80后120目)后的表面。
In this paper, the machining properties (including planning, sanding, boring, shaping, mortising, turning and crosscutting) of two plantation-grown hardwoods ( Betula alnoides and Castanopsis hystrix), compared with commercially common used Quercus mongolia domestically, were investigated. Tests on their planning, sanding, boring, shaping, mortising, turning and cross cutting are conducted according to the criteria ASTM D1666 - 87 and the test on crosscutting is referred to the method established by New Zealand Forest Research Institute. On the basis of a series of experimental results, various machining characteristics are classified. In the meantime, the individual properties are assigned to the corresponding grades according to different criterion. The results show as follows: 1 ) All the indexes of B. alnoides and Q. mongolia are in excellent grade except turning property, which is in good and middle grade, respectively. For C. hystrix, five of the properties such as planning, sanding, boring, shaping and crosscutting are in excellent grade, while turning and mortising property are in good grade. 2) The comprehensive quality grade value of the three species, namely, B. alnoides, C. hystrix and Q. mongolia, are 4.35, 4.07 and 4.23, respectively, which indicate that the overall quality of machining properties are within the range of excellent grade. 3) From the results of shaping experiment, it can be concluded that, it is appropriate for B. alnoides to be clockwise shaped in parallel region, and counter-clockwise shaped in cross region and end surface, also for C. hystrix to be clockwise shaped in cross region, and counter-clockwise shaped in parallel region and end surface. For Q. mongolia, it is better to be clockwise shaped in all the three regions. 4) For the species of B. alnoides and C. hystrix, the profile arithmetic average deviation, in symbol of Ra, is smaller after sanded by 80 to 120 grit sand paper than that sanded by 120 grit sand paper twice, and the fluctuating range of the former is also smaller. However, for Q. mongolia, the opposite trend was observed. In the meantime, the surface quality of Q. mongolia after planning treatment (rotating velocity of planning blades at 5 000 r·^-1 mm , the amount of cutting marks per inch of 40 and machining thickness of 0.8 mm) is superior to that sanded by 80 to 120 grit sand paper.



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