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加勒比松杂交育种现状及发展对策的探讨     被引量:26

Progress of Hybrid Breeding of Pinus caribaea and Strategy for Future Development



英文题名:Progress of Hybrid Breeding of Pinus caribaea and Strategy for Future Development









外文期刊名:Forest Research


基金:国家"九五"攻关项目96 011 03 18 4"加勒比松遗传改良"的部分内容



外文关键词:Pinus caribaea; Pinus elliottii; breeding; hybrid


摘要:综述了我国引种加勒比松的情况及其杂种的生长表现,并探讨了未来发展的对策。加勒比松杂交育种从20世纪70年代开始,在广东湛江进行的古巴加勒比松×湿地松的杂交育种试验结果表明,杂种15年生的材积是亲本材积的1.66 2.88倍,杂种的木材基本密度和纤维长度介于两个亲本之间。20世纪90年代初在福建、广东、广西和湖南等省建立了更多的杂种对比试验林,在试验中用作对照的澳大利亚杂种松生长最快,但易受风害。杂交组合湿地松×洪都拉斯加勒比松和古巴加勒比松×巴哈马加勒比松的杂种比组合湿地松×古巴加勒比松和洪都拉斯加勒比松×古巴加勒比松的杂种生长迅速,杂种种子的发芽率很低(<30%),而且家系之间变异很大。广东台山的试验结果表明,湿地松×洪都拉斯加勒比松杂种的树高和材积增长为35.8%和244.6%,湿地松×古巴加松的增长为40.8%和210.9%,同时也进行了杂交配合力的分析。无性繁殖试验表明生根率可达85%,但生根率在家系之间变异很大。
This paper reviews the hybridbreeding activities of Pinus caribaea that have been carried out in China up to date and proposes the strategy for future development of hybrid pine. Pinus caribaea, including 3 varieties of var. caribaea, var. hondurensis and var. bahamensis, is an important softwood species for pulp and timber in the tropics of China. Hybrid breeding of the species started in the later 1970s. Analysis of a 15year old trial of Pcc×Pee hybrids established in 1981 showed that volume of the best hybrids was as large as 1.662.88 times of the parental species while the average basic wood density and fiber length were between the two parental species. In the early 1990s, more trials were established in Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi and Hunan Provinces. The Australian hybrid used as control grew fastest but was more susceptive to wind break. A 2.5 yearold trial established in Zhanjiang showed that the hybrids of P. elliottii×P. caribaea var. hondurensis and P.caribaea var. caribaea×P. caribaea var. bahamensis displayed superior growth over hybrid of P. elliottii× P. caribaea var. caribaea and P. caribaea var. hondurensis× P. caribaea var. caribaea. The germination rates (averaged less than 30%) of the hybrid seeds were low and variable among families. The results from a trial at Taishan showed that height and volume increases were 35.8% and 244.6% for Pee×Pch and 40.8% and 210.9% for Pee×Pcc respectively. Analysis of combining abilities was conducted. Australian hybrids of Pee×Pch including both F1 and F2 hybrid seeds were imported and introduced to Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi and Jiangxi for pilot trials. Although the superiority of the F2 hybrid was not as high as that of the F1, the average growth was still better than that of the local seed sources. Studies of vegetative propagation by cuttings revealed that the rooting rates could reach above 85% although they were highly variable among families. More crosses of Pee×Pcb need to be tested in future.



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