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Temperate and boreal forest mega-fires: characteristics and challenges  ( SCI-EXPANDED收录)   被引量:245


英文题名:Temperate and boreal forest mega-fires: characteristics and challenges

作者:Stephens, Scott L.[1] Burrows, Neil[2] Buyantuyev, Alexander[3] Gray, Robert W.[4] Keane, Robert E.[5] Kubian, Rick[6] Liu, Shirong[7] Seijo, Francisco[8] Shu, Lifu[7] Tolhurst, Kevin G.[9] van Wagtendonk, Jan W.[10]

第一作者:Stephens, Scott L.

通信作者:Stephens, SL[1]

机构:[1]Univ Calif Berkeley, Dept Environm Sci Policy & Management, Berkeley, CA 94720 USA;[2]Dept Pk & Wildlife, Kensington, NSW, Australia;[3]Univ Calif Riverside, Dept Bot & Plant Sci, Riverside, CA 92521 USA;[4]RW Gray Consulting Ltd, Chilliwack, BC, Canada;[5]US Forest Serv, USDA, Rocky Mt Res Stn, Missoula Fire Sci Lab, Missoula, MT USA;[6]Pk Canada, Conservat Resources, Lake Louise Yoho Kootenay Field Unit, Radium Hot Springs, BC, Canada;[7]Chinese Acad Forestry, Inst Forest Ecol Environm & Protect, Beijing, Peoples R China;[8]CV Starr Middlebury Coll, Madrid, Spain;[9]Univ Melbourne, Dept Forest & Ecosyst Sci, Creswick, Vic, Australia;[10]US Geol Survey, Western Ecol Res Ctr, Yosemite Field Stn, El Portal, CA USA







基金:We thank the Association for Fire Ecology for encouraging us to write this paper. Comments provided by B Collins improved the manuscript. We thank R Loehman and D Fry for figure production. China's case study acknowledges the China's Special Research Program for Public-Welfare Forestry (No. 200804001)


摘要:Mega-fires are often defined according to their size and intensity but are more accurately described by their socioeconomic impacts. Three factors - climate change, fire exclusion, and antecedent disturbance, collectively referred to as the "mega-fire triangle" - likely contribute to today's mega-fires. Some characteristics of mega-fires may emulate historical fire regimes and can therefore sustain healthy fire-prone ecosystems, but other attributes decrease ecosystem resiliency. A good example of a program that seeks to mitigate mega-fires is located in Western Australia, where prescribed burning reduces wildfire intensity while conserving ecosystems. Crown-fire-adapted ecosystems are likely at higher risk of frequent mega-fires as a result of climate change, as compared with other ecosystems once subject to frequent less severe fires. Fire and forest managers should recognize that mega-fires will be a part of future wildland fire regimes and should develop strategies to reduce their undesired impacts.



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