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赣南毛竹根际土壤微生物群落结构的PLFA分析     被引量:3

Phospholipid Fatty Acid Analysis of Microbial Community Structure in Rhizosphere Soil of Phyllostachys edulis in Gannan



英文题名:Phospholipid Fatty Acid Analysis of Microbial Community Structure in Rhizosphere Soil of Phyllostachys edulis in Gannan

作者:张文元[1] 盛可银[1] 范承芳[2] 刘顺[3] 陈淼淼[4] 钟石泉[5] 温卫华[1] 吴珍花[1] 涂淑萍[1] 郭晓敏[1] 胡冬南[1]








外文期刊名:Acta Agriculturae Universitatis Jiangxiensis





外文关键词:rhizosphere ; microbial community structure ; PLFA ; P. edulis ; Gannan


摘要:根际土壤微生物是土壤生态系统中最活跃的组分,在养分循环、有机质分解等生态过程中起着重要作用,对根际微生态系统具有重要意义。以赣南毛竹林为对象,利用磷脂脂肪酸(phospholipid fatty acid,PLFA)法分析了不同年龄毛竹根际土壤微生物群落结构特征。结果表明:赣南毛竹根际土壤PLFA含量为3.97±0.51μg/g,不同菌群微生物PLFA含量表现为细菌(2.74±0.35μg/g)>真菌(0.48±0.07μg/g)>放线菌(0.33±0.05μg/g)。毛竹根际土壤PLFA单体含量间的结构格局不受年龄的影响,但各PLFA单体含量、各类群微生物PLFA含量、真菌/细菌(F/B)、饱和支链/单不饱和脂肪酸(SAT/MONO)随着年龄的增加呈现先增加后降低的变化趋势,以II度竹根际土壤最高(表征原生生物的20∶4ω6,9,12,15c以III度竹最高),cy/pre变化趋势与之相反。根际土壤总PLFA含量、真菌和G-在不同年龄间差异显著。毛竹根际土壤微生物群落结构在不同年龄间差异显著,表现为II度竹根际土壤微生物群落结构明显区别于其他年龄。i14∶0、a15∶0、cy17∶0和18∶1ω7c(细菌生物标记)对主成分1的贡献率最大,20∶4ω6,9,12,15c(表征原生生物)、18∶1ω9c和18∶2ω6,9c(表征真菌)及i16∶0(表征细菌)对主成分2的贡献率较高。造成以上变化规律的原因可能是由于不同年龄毛竹鞭根活力特性不同引起,II度竹根际土壤微生物PLFA量和结构明显区别于其他年龄毛竹。因此,II度竹根际土壤微生物状况可能对竹林地土壤环境状况变化更敏感,可用其指示毛竹林地土壤环境状况。
The rhizosphere soil microorganism which plays an important role in nutrient cycling and de- composition of organic matter, is the most active component in soil ecosystem and important in rhizosphere mi- croeeological system.Rhizosphere is the micro area in which soil,plant roots and microbes interact together.By using phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) analysis the characteristics of soil microbial community structure in rhi- zosphere soil of P. edulis in Gannan were studied. The results showed that the content of microbes PLFA was 3.97±0.51 μg/g.The content of bacteria PLFA (2.74±0.35 μg/g) was the highest among different microbe flora, followed by fungi ( 0.48± O. 07 μg/g) and actinomycetes ( 0. 33 ± 0. 05 μg/g ). The structure patterns of soil PLFA-type contents was not affected by age, but the contents of each PLFA-type, microbe flora, F/B and SAT/MONO increased first and then decreased with age increasing.The content in rhizosphere soil of II degree bamboo was the highest,while 20:4w6,9,12,15c was the highest in the III degree.The trend of cy/pre was in the contrast.The contents of total PLFA,fungi and G- was significantly different among different ages.The mi- crobial community structure in rhizosphere soil among different ages was different and the structure of II de- gree was obviously different from that of other ages.il4:0, a15:0, cyl7:0 and 18:1 w7c which were the bacteria biomarkers had a largest contribution to principal component 1,while 20:4 w6,9,12,15c (protozoa biomark- er), 18:1 w9c and 18 : 2 w6,9c ( fungi biomarkers ) and il 6 : 0 ( bacteria biomarker) mainly contributed to principal component 2.The reason for the above changes may be the different bamboo rhizomes and root activity in different ages. Unlike the microbial community of other ages, that of the 11 degree may be more sensitive to soil environment changes, so it may be available to indicate environmental status of bamboo forest.



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