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森林计划烧除的PM_(2.5)排放时空过程模拟及其对空气质量的影响  ( EI收录)  

Simulation of the Spatiotemporal Process of PM_(2.5)Emission from Prescribed Burning of Forest and Its Impacts on Air Quality



英文题名:Simulation of the Spatiotemporal Process of PM_(2.5)Emission from Prescribed Burning of Forest and Its Impacts on Air Quality

作者:曹国军[1] 李嘉昕[1] 赵凤君[2] 舒立福[2] 叶江霞[1]








外文期刊名:Scientia Silvae Sinicae





外文关键词:prescribed burning;PM_(2.5);HYSPLIT;air quality


摘要:【目的】以云南省玉溪市云南松计划烧除林分为研究对象,通过样地调查、载量评估、烟尘排放计算及时空扩散过程模拟,分析下风口城市PM2.5模拟扩散值与地面监测值的定量关系,揭示计划烧除烟尘对空气质量的影响,为指导科学合理的计划烧除、烟尘管理实践提供理论依据。【方法】以滇中计划烧除云南松林分为对象,通过10 m×10 m样地调查并取样,实验室烘干评估可燃物载量,以BlueSky计算烟尘中PM_(2.5)排放量,并借助HYSPLIT前向轨迹模型定量分析扩散时空格局,再以高分四号卫星影像验证结果,最后对比分析烟尘传输通道下风方向昆明市的PM_(2.5)模拟扩散值与地面监测值。【结果】HYSPLIT模拟的计划烧除烟尘扩散格局与高分四号影像目视的烟尘区一致;PM_(2.5)排放量与可燃物载量及计划烧除面积呈正相关,且腐殖质越厚、可燃物载量越大、烟尘排放越多;位于烟尘传输下风区域的城市,其PM_(2.5)质量浓度随后呈显著增加趋势,地面监测值与扩散模拟值格局较一致且正相关(R^(2)=0.78743),空气质量由通常的“优”降低为“良”,甚至达“轻度污染”。【结论】计划烧除烟尘排放量与林分可燃物载量、烧除面积及腐殖质厚度相关;计划烧除产生烟尘对扩散通道下风向的城市空气质量有明显影响,但具有滞后性;进行计划烧除前的烟尘污染定量评估与预警可有效减缓计划烧除的烟尘危害。
【Objective】The forest of Pinus yunnanensis undergone prescribed burning in Yuxi City,Yunnan Province was investigated by survey of sample plots,load assessment,smoke emission calculation and the spatiotemporal diffusion process simulation,in order to understand the quantitative relationship between the simulated diffusion of PM_(2.5) in downwind city and the ground measurements,and to reveal the impacts of the smoke by the prescribed burning on air quality,therefore providing a theoretical basis for appropriate prescribed burning and smoke management practice.【Methods】Sample plots in size of 10 m×10 m were set up in the forest stand of P.yunnanensis undergone prescribed burning in central Yunnan.Fuel loads were estimated by drying in the laboratory,and the PM_(2.5) emission of smoke was calculated by BlueSky,the spatiotemporal pattern of diffusion was analyzed quantitatively with the aid of HYSPLIT forward trajectory model,and the reliability of the results was verified by comparing with the GF-4 satellite image,finally,the relationship between the simulated and the ground measurements of PM_(2.5) in Kunming City in the downwind direction of the emission was conducted.【Result】The diffusion pattern of the smoke of prescribed burning simulated by HYSPLIT is consistent with the smoke area by visual detection from GF-4 satellite imagery synchronously,the PM_(2.5) emission is positively correlated with fuel load and prescribed burning area,the thicker the humus,the higher the combustible load,and the more the smoke emitted.The PM_(2.5) concentration of the city located in the downwind showed a significant increase trend subsequently,and the pattern of ground measurements was consistent and positively correlated(R^(2)=0.78743)with the simulated values of diffusion,and the air quality was degraded from‘excellence’to‘good’or even‘slightly polluted’.【Conclusion】The smoke emission of prescribed burning is correlated with the fuel load,the burning area,and the thickness of humus.The smoke generated by the prescribed burning has a significant impact on urban air quality in downwind direction of the diffusion channel with a time lag.The quantitative assessment and early warning of smoke pollution before prescribed burning can effectively alleviate the damage by the smoke of prescribed burning.



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