柳树6个无性系在铜尾矿砂中的生长及耐受性差异 被引量:6
Variations in Growth and Tolerance of Six Willow Clones in Copper Tailings Soils
英文题名:Variations in Growth and Tolerance of Six Willow Clones in Copper Tailings Soils
作者:张莹[1,2] 张玲[2] 刘泓[1] 施翔[2] 王树凤[2]
外文期刊名:Forest Research
外文关键词:willow ; copper tailing soil; root morphology; photosynthetic ; principal component analysis
摘要:[目的]研究Cd、Zn、Cu 3种重金属复合污染条件下6个柳树无性系的生长、光合作用以及叶绿素含量变化等生理生化响应,为评价不同柳树品种在重金属污染区植被恢复中的应用潜力提供依据。[方法]采用盆栽试验方法,以旱柳和杞柳6个无性系扦插苗为试验材料,按无性系与介质两因素裂区设计试验,对6个无性系的生长、根系形态学参数以及光合参数和叶绿素、类胡萝卜素含量等指标进行测定。[结果]表明:6个无性系在铜尾矿砂中均能生长,但株高、地径以及光合作用、叶绿素含量等相关参数均受到不同程度的抑制,其中,杞柳‘一枝笔’在铜尾矿砂中的株高、生物量以及总叶绿素含量在6个无性系中降幅最小,而净光合速率降幅最小的是旱柳16无性系。在尾矿砂中生长的柳树叶片均出现不同程度的黄化,色素含量出现不同程度的下降,杞柳‘一枝笔’无论是叶绿素a、叶绿素b还是总叶绿素含量下降幅度最小,其总叶绿素含量与对照相比仅下降4%。各项指标主成份分析结果表明:在重金属复合污染条件下,生长性状因子起的作用最大,其中,根体积、茎干质量、叶干质量、总生物量4个性状是决定铜尾矿砂中柳树生长状况的关键因子。[结论]6个柳树无性系在铜尾矿砂中的生长和生物量积累具有明显的基因型差异。根据对生物量、耐性指数以及光合作用等生理生化相关指标的综合分析,杞柳无性系中杞柳‘一枝笔’耐性优于杞柳‘大红头’,而旱柳无性系中旱柳470耐性最好,旱柳16耐性最差。杞柳在铜尾矿砂中的耐性高于旱柳,光合色素的合成受影响较小,而且也具有较好的生物量积累能力。杞柳可望用于矿山废弃地的植被恢复。
[Objective] In this study, the growth, photosynthesis and chlorophyll contents of 6 willow clones under Cd, Zn, Cu and other heavy metal pollution conditions were studied. The results provide a basis for evaluating the potential application of different willow species in vegetation restoration in heavy metal polluted area. [Method] Potting experiment was adopted, and six willow clones were used as experimental materials. Split-plot experiment design was adopted according to clonal and media factors, and the growth, root morphological parameters, photosynthesis, chlorophyll and carotenoid contents of the 6 clones were determined. [Result] The results showed that all the 6 clones could grow in copper tailings, but the parameters such as plant height, ground diameter, photosynthesis and chlorophyll content were inhibited to different extents. The plant height, biomass and total chlorophyll content of Salix integra (‘Yizhibi’) were the lowest among the 6 clones, while the least of the net photosynthetic rate was S. matsudana (16). The leaves of the willows grown in the tailings all showed different degree of yellowing, and the content of pigment decreased in different degrees. Chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b and total chlorophyll content of S. integra (‘Yizhibi’) decreased the least, the total chlorophyll content decreased only by 4% compared with the control. Principal component analysis showed that the growth traits played the most important role in the condition of heavy metal compound pollution, among which root volume, stem dry weight, leaf dry weight and total biomass were the key factors determining the growth status of willow in the tailings. [Conclusion] The growth and biomass accumulation of the 6 willow clones in copper tailings have obvious genotypic differences. Based on the comprehensive analysis of physiological and biochemical indexes such as biomass, tolerance index and photosynthesis, the tolerance of S. integra ‘Yizhibi’ slightly better than that of the S. integra ‘Dahongtou’. The tolerance of S. matsudana (470) was the best, while S. matsudana (16) the worst. The tolerance of S. integra ‘Yizhibi’ and ‘Dahongtou’ in copper tailings soil was higher than that of S. matsudana. The synthesis of photosynthetic pigments was less affected, and the biomass accumulation ability was also better. So S. integra are more likely to be used the recovery vegetation of mine abandoned land.