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2001—2019年太行山南麓栓皮栎人工林叶面积指数与气候因子的关系     被引量:2

Relationship between leaf area index and climate factors in a Quercus variabilis plantation at the southern foot of Taihang Mountain from 2001 to 2019



英文题名:Relationship between leaf area index and climate factors in a Quercus variabilis plantation at the southern foot of Taihang Mountain from 2001 to 2019

作者:黄辉[1,2] 郑昌玲[3] 孟平[1,2] 张劲松[1,2] 同小娟[4] 程向芬[1,2]








外文期刊名:Acta Ecologica Sinica





外文关键词:climatic factors;leaf area index;high temperature;climate change;Quercus variabilis


摘要:栓皮栎(Quercus variabilis)是我国天然分布最广的树种之一,太行山南麓属我国林业工程重点区域,对气候变化较敏感,研究该地区栓皮栎人工林叶面积指数(LAI)与气候因子的关系对我国林业生态工程建设、温带森林碳汇功能评估有重要意义。依托河南黄河小浪底地球关键带国家野外科学观测研究站,利用LAI实测数据对2001—2019年基于MODIS地表反射率反演的LAI产品进行校正,分析了近19年来太行山南麓的气候变化趋势,以及40年生栓皮栎-刺槐-侧柏混交人工林LAI的变化特征及其与气候因子的关系。结果表明:2001—2019年实验区气候为变暖、变湿润趋势,气温升高温变化率为0.70℃/10a,生长季增温高于非生长季,生长季和非生长季降水量分别为增加和减少趋势。近10年来气候暖湿化趋势加快,高温天气发生的频率和强度增加。实验区栓皮栎混交人工林LAI为增加趋势,近19年平均值为2.09,增长率为0.21/10a,近熟林时期LAI增长率低于中龄林时期。气温是影响LAI季节和年际变异的主导气候因子,降水量主要影响LAI的季节变异。近熟林时期高温天气超过35 d的年份LAI比上一年度减小。
Quercus variabilis is one of the most widely distributed natural tree species in China. The southern foot of Taihang Mountain is one of the key areas of forestry engineering in China, which is sensitive to climate change. The study on the relationship between leaf area index(LAI) of Quercus variabilis plantation and climate factors in this area is of great significance to the construction of forestry ecological engineering and the evaluation of temperate forest carbon sink function in China. In this study, a 40-year-old mixed plantation(Quercus variabilis, Robinia pseudoacacia and Platycladus orientalis) in the southern foot of Taihang Mountain was taken as the research object. Firstly, we corrected the MODIS LAI product from 2001 to 2019 by using measured LAI data. Secondly, we analyzed the climate change trend in the research area in recent 19 years. Finally, we analyzed the variation characteristics of LAI and discussed the relationship of LAI and climate factors. The results showed that the climate in the experimental area was warming and humid from 2001 to 2019. The rising rate of temperature is 0.70℃·per ten years. The temperature increase in the growing season was higher than that in the non-growing season. The precipitation in growing season and-non growing season increased and decreased, respectively. In recent 10 years, the trend of climate warming and humidification has accelerated, and the frequency and intensity of high-temperature weather have increased. The LAI showed an increasing trend, the average value in recent 19 years was 2.09, and the growth rate was 0.21/10a. The growth rate of LAI in near-mature forest period was lower than that in middle-aged forest period. Temperature was the dominant climatic factor affecting the seasonal and inter-annual variation of LAI, and precipitation mainly affected the seasonal variation of LAI. The LAI in the years with high temperature days higher than 35 days was lower than that in the previous year in the near-mature forest period.



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