不同割漆方式对漆树产漆性能的影响 被引量:3
Effects of Different Cutting Methods on the Properties of Lacquer Production
英文题名:Effects of Different Cutting Methods on the Properties of Lacquer Production
作者:周俊宏[1] 王子芝[1] 吴文君[1] 李立[1] 廖声熙[1]
外文期刊名:Acta Agriculturae Universitatis Jiangxiensis
外文关键词:Toxicodendron vernicifluum;tapping method;raw lacquer;yield;correlation
摘要:【目的】为提高漆树生漆产量,科学合理割漆,促进漆林可持续经营。【方法】以四川宜宾明威乡种植基地立地条件、生长状况基本一致的漆树品种‘盛禾绿漆’幼龄漆树林为试验材料,采用不同间隔期与刀数的割漆方法,测定漆树生漆产量,探讨2个割漆因子对漆树产漆量的影响。【结果】(1)不同割漆间隔期的生漆产量均有明显差异,在不同间隔割漆模式下,模式3间隔7 d的生漆产量最高,平均单株产漆量可达73.07 g,表现出稳产性和高产性,建议推荐为生产中采用的割漆间隔模式;(2)不同割漆刀次的产漆量随着刀数次序递增,漆树生漆产量先增加后降低,在第6刀次时达到单刀产量最大值18.03 g,可占全年生漆总产量25%以上;(3)建立的单株割漆刀数与单口产漆量的二次回归模型,R2为0.772,该模型较好地反映了生产季漆树的泌漆规律,可以用来预测漆树的全年产漆量。【结论】研究初步证明了割漆间隔期、割漆刀数与漆树生漆产量存在显著相关关系,在漆林的生产经营中应该采用适当的割漆技术参数,有利于漆林丰产经营,提高生产效率。
[Objective]Toxicodendron vernicifluum(Stokes)F.A.Barkley is an important economic tree native to China with high social and economic value.The raw lacquer secreted from the bark of the lacquer tree is known as the king of paint,which is an important raw material for modern industry,agriculture,military industry and other industries.In recent years,with the increasing demand for natural and environmentally friendly lacquer products,the number of lacquer trees is shrinking due to excessive and unreasonable lacquer cutting.In order to propose a healthy and reasonable method of lacquer cutting,to increase the yield of raw lacquer,to extend the production life of lacquer trees,to cut lacquer scientifically and rationally,to promote sustainable management of lacquer forest and also provide a reliable scientific basis for sustainable utilization of lacquer tree,cutting method and its relevance with raw lacquer were studied.[Method]To explore the ways to improve the yield of raw lacquer by different cutting techniques,this study took the 4-5 years old young lacquer tree of tree species“Shenghe green paint”with the same site condition and growth condition in Yibin,Sichuan province as the experimental material.In this paper,the lacquer yield was measured by cutting lacquer at different intervals and the number of cutting,and the correlation between the interval and the number of cutters as well as between the two and the amount of paint produced per plant was discussed[Result](1)In the experiment of raw lacquer output in different cutting intervals,there were obvious differences among treatments.Under different cutting intervals,the yield of raw lacquer per plant in mode 3 was the highest,with the average paint production per plant up to 73.07 g,showing stability and high yield.And the yield of raw lacquer under mode 1 was 41.91 g which was the lowest.With the longer interval period,the average total production of raw lacquer per plant increased first and then decreased,indicating that longer interval period could not improve production.Therefore,mode 3 was recommended to adopt the cutting interval mode in production.(2)In different numbers of cutting knives,the lacquer production of per knife increased first and then decreased with the increase of the number of cutting knives,reaching the maximum yield of a single knife at 6th knives,up to 18.03 g,which could account for more than 25%of the annual raw lacquer production.Rational use of the cutter could effectively improve the total production of raw lacquer.(3)A quadratic regression model was established between the number of cutters per plant and the amount of paint produced.R2 was 0.772,which was in line with the law of raw lacquer production per plant and better reflected the law of lacquer secretion in the production season of raw lacquer,and could be used to predict the total annual lacquer production.[Conclusion]In this study,it was preliminarily proved that there was a significant correlation between the intervals and the number of cutters on the yield of raw lacquer.In the production and management of lacquer forest,the producer should not increase the total production of raw lacquer by lengthening or shortening the interval of cutting lacquer or increasing the number of cutting knives.In order to improve production efficiency and maintain the healthy state of paint forest,it is necessary to select the appropriate paint cutting technology factors.