抗松材线虫病马尾松种质资源遗传多样性分析及核心种质构建 被引量:1
Genetic diversity analysis and core collection of pinewood nematodiasis-resistant Pinus massoniana germplasm resources
英文题名:Genetic diversity analysis and core collection of pinewood nematodiasis-resistant Pinus massoniana germplasm resources
作者:邓莉丽[1,2] 刘青华[1] 周志春[1] 高凯[1] 骆定会[3]
外文期刊名:Journal of Zhejiang A&F University
外文关键词:Pinus massoniana;pine wood nematodiasis-resistance;SSR;genetic diversity;core collection
摘要:【目的】对来自安徽省林业科学研究院和异地保存在浙江省临海市林业技术推广和场圃旅游服务总站的114份抗松材线虫Bursaphelenchus xylophilus病马尾松Pinus massoniana种质进行遗传多样性与群体结构分析,构建抗性马尾松核心种质库。【方法】对114份抗性马尾松种质进行检测,使用分子生物学软件计算遗传多样性参数,并进行主坐标(PCoA)和群体结构分析。利用M策略和随机取样策略分别构建核心种质,分析不同核心种质的的遗传多样性参数,确定最适合的构建方法。【结果】114份抗性马尾松种质共检测到115个等位基因,平均有效等位基因数(N_(e))为5.54,平均Shannon’s多样性指数(I)为1.51,平均多态信息含量(P_(IC))为0.90,结果表明其具有较高的遗传多样性水平。群体结构分析将114份抗性马尾松种质分为4个亚群,主坐标分析结果与上述基本一致。根据遗传多样性参数和抽样数量综合考虑,M策略构建的核心种质能以最小的种质数保留原有种质最大的遗传多样性,为最佳的取样策略。利用该策略得到了72份核心种质,其保留了原有种质100%的等位基因数,N_(e)、I、期望杂合度(H_(e))、PIC等遗传参数的保留率分别为95.67%、94.96%、98.12%和100.00%,将构建的核心种质与原有种质进行t检验、PCoA分析和UPGMA聚类分析,结果表明两者间的遗传多样性无显著差异。【结论】114份抗性马尾松种质遗传多样性水平较高,构建的72份抗性马尾松核心种质,去除了遗传冗余,有利于抗性马尾松种质资源的有效保护和科学利用,可为优异基因发掘和新品种选育提供参考。
[Objective]This study,with analyses conducted of the genetic diversity and population structure of 114 germplasm resources of pinewood nematodiasis-resistant Pinus massoniana from Anhui Academy of Forestry and Forestry Technology Extension and Farm tourism Service Center of Linhai in Zhejiang Province,and the construction of a core collection of the germplasm resources,is aimed to provide a theoretical basis for the scientific management and efficient utilization of germplasm resources of P.massoniana.[Method]First,a total of 114 resistant P.massoniana germplasms were detected before their principal co-ordinates analysis(PCoA),population structure and genetic diversity parameters were calculated by bioinformatics software.Then,the core collection was constructed by using M strategy and random sampling strategy so that a comparative analysis was conducted of the genetic diversity indicators of different core collection in order to determine the most suitable construction method.[Result]115 alleles were detected in 114 resistant P.massoniana germplasms,with an average effective allele number(N_(e))of 5.54,an average Shannon’s diversity index(I)of 1.51,and an average PIC value of 0.90 for polymorphic information content,which had a high genetic diversity.The population structure analysis based on Structure software showed that the 114 resistant P.massoniana germplasm resources were divided into four subgroups,and the result of principal coordinate analysis was basically consistent with the above.Based on the genetic diversity parameters and the sampling quantity,the core collection constructed by the M strategy could retain the maximum genetic diversity of the original germplasm with the minimum sampling quantity,which was the optimal sampling strategy.72 core collections were obtained using this strategy,which retained 100%alleles of the original germplasm,with the ration rates of N_(e),I,expected heterozygosity(H_(e)),PIC being 95.67%,94.96%,98.12%,100.00%.No significant difference in genetic diversity was shown between the constructed core germplasm and the original germplasm according to the PCoA and UPGMA cluster analysis.[Conclusion]The level of genetic diversity of 114 resistant P.massoniana germplasm was high.The 72 core germplasm of resistant P.massoniana were constructed to remove genetic redundancy,which is conducive to the effective conservation and scientific utilization of resistant P.massoniana germplasm resources,and lays the foundation for excellent gene discovery and new cultivar selection.