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Soil carbon and nitrogen characteristics in different vegetation restoration types in the lithoid hilly area of North China



英文题名:Soil carbon and nitrogen characteristics in different vegetation restoration types in the lithoid hilly area of North China

作者:杜满义[1] 封焕英[1] 张连金[1] 裴顺祥[1] 辛学兵[1] 孔庆云[1] 孙丽芳[1] 孙长忠[1]








外文期刊名:Chinese Journal of Ecology





外文关键词:soil organic carbon;soil total nitrogen;C/N;vegetation restoration


摘要:植被恢复是华北石质山区生态环境恢复的重要措施之一。本研究以北京九龙山灌木林、侧柏林、油松林为对象,探讨不同植被恢复类型下土壤碳、氮特征及其耦合关系,为该区域植被恢复树种配置和森林生态系统合理经营提供科学依据。结果表明:(1)灌木林0~30 cm各土层SOC含量均显著高于侧柏林和油松林,而两种针叶林之间差异不显著;灌木林各土层TN含量最高,油松林最低,差异性随土层深度加深逐渐变小;侧柏林各土层C/N均最小,在0~10和20~30 cm土层中与灌木林和油松林差异显著。(2)三种类型森林土壤SOC与TN均存在表层富集现象,含量均随土层加深而降低,但降低趋势随土层增加逐渐平缓;土壤C/N在不同土层中变化不显著,灌木林、侧柏林与油松林0~30 cm土层C/N波动范围分别为18.40~21.97、11.70~12.52和18.08~20.69。(3)土壤SOC和TN与大部分土壤理化学性质密切相关,其中与水解氮、有效磷、速效钾等呈极显著正相关(P<0.01),与p H值呈显著正相关(P<0.05)。(4)灌木林作为华北石质山区重要植被恢复类型之一,在土壤有机碳和全氮含量方面表现出一定优势,可在生态公益林建设中有针对性的运用,发挥其重要固碳增汇的作用。
Vegetation restoration is one of the important strategies for environmental recovery in the lithoid hilly area of North China. We investigated the characteristics of soil carbon( C) and nitrogen( N) and their coupling under different restored vegetations( shrubland,Platycladus orientalis forest and Pinus tabuliformis forest) in Jiulong Mountain,aiming to provide scientific basis for the selection of restoration tree species and reasonable management of forest ecosystems in this area. Our results showed that:( 1) Soil organic carbon( SOC) concentration in each layer over 0-30 cm in shrubland was significantly higher than in P. orientalis forest and P. tabuliformis forest,while SOC concentration in P. orientalis forest and P. tabuliformis forest showed no significant variation. Soil total nitrogen( TN) concentration in each layer was the highest in shrubland and lowest in P. tabuliformis forest,and the difference among soil layers decreased with the depth.Moreover,soil C/N ratio of P. orientalis forest was significantly lower at 0-10 and 20-30 cm layers than that in shrubland and P. tabuliformis forest.( 2) SOC and TN enriched in topsoil of the three ecosystems and decreased with the depth. For all the vegetation types,soil C/N ratio showed no significant difference among soil layers. Soil C/N ratio at 0-30 cm layers ranged from18.40 to 21. 97 for shrubland,from 11. 70 to 12. 52 for P. orientalis forest,and from 18. 08 to20.69 for P. tabuliformis forest,respectively.( 3) SOC and TN concentrations were significantly correlated with most of soil physical and chemical properties. They were significantly positively correlated with the concentrations of soil hydrolysable N,available phosphorus,available potassium content( P〈0.01) and significantly positively correlated with soil pH( P〈0.05).( 4) As an important vegetation recovery type in the lithoid hilly area of North China,shrubland had the advantages of higher SOC and TN concentrations,suggesting that using the shrub in non-commercial forest construction would be beneficial for increasing C sequestration in the future.



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