苹果树蒸腾规律及其与冠层微气象要素的关系 被引量:67
Rule of apple trees transpiration and its relation to the micrometeorology on the canopy
英文题名:Rule of apple trees transpiration and its relation to the micrometeorology on the canopy
作者:孟平[1] 张劲松[1] 王鹤松[1] 高峻[1] 褚建民[1]
外文期刊名:Acta Ecologica Sinica
基金:中国林业科学研究院重点基金资助项目 ;国家自然科学基金资助项目 (3 0 3 71186) ;国家科技部"十五"科技攻关课题资助项目(2 0 0 1BA5 10 B0 4)~~
外文关键词:apple tree; transpiration; TDP; micrometeorology
摘要:采用由热扩散植物液流技术测算得到的、周期为2 0 0 3年1~12月、时间步长10 min的苹果树蒸腾数据,结合同步观测得到果树冠层微气象要素值,分析太行山低山丘陵区10年生苹果树蒸腾耗水规律及其与微气象要素关系,旨在为该地区苹果生产提供必要的水分生态理论依据,并力图进一步完善苹果树蒸腾耗水理论。结果表明:(1)苹果树蒸腾(Tr)具有明显时间变化特征。Tr在晴天-多云日的主要和非主要生长季节日变化都表现为单峰曲线趋势。在阴天日,主要生长季节表现为多峰曲线趋势,非主要生长季节单峰除10月和3月份表现为双峰曲线趋势外,其余各月均为单峰曲线趋势。Tr日际变化或季节变化特征是3~4月份逐渐升高、5~6月份达到高峰值、7月份逐渐降低、10月末及11月初Tr迅速降低。全年Tr值为6 0 0 .9mm ,其中,主要生长期间(4~9月份)、非主要生长期间(1~3月份、10~12月份) TR值分别为5 0 2 .6、98.3mm ,分别占全年的83.6 %、16 .4 %。(2 )主要生长期内,Tr与冠层净辐射(Rn) ,空气温度(Ta)、湿度(RH) ,风速(V)等气象要素有很好的复相关性,统计回归方程为Tr =0 .2 74 +0 .0 4 2 V +0 .0 0 6 7Ta - 0 .0 14 RH (n=2 6 35 2 ,Tr为单株蒸腾量,Tr、V、Ta、Rn的单位分别为L/ h、m/ s、℃、w/ m2 ,RH为无量纲值,以%表示) ,R2 =0 .
The rule of apple trees transpiration and its relation to the micrometeorology on the canopy were analyzed through the experimental data of the apple tree sap flow and canopy micrometeorology, which measured by Thermal Dissipation sap flow velocity Probe (TDP) and CR10X automated meteorology system respectively, and data were recorded very 10minutes.The trees are 10 years old. The experiment was conducted in the hilly region of Taihang Mountain during Jan-Dec of 2003. The aim of this study is to provide essential theory about water ecology for developing and managing the apple orchard in the region,and further more to richen the theory about the transpiration of apple tree. The main results are as follows: The diurnal variations of apple trees transpiration(Tr) were demonstrated single-peak curve in clear-cloudy day in the main growing season and minor growing season,but in the overcast day, it was demonstrated several-peak at the main growing season, and single-peak curve at minor growing season except October and March. The daily variations of Tr is characterized with that Tr rose gradually in March, and reach a peak during May and June, fall down readily in July and descend rapidly in October. The total Tr was 600.9mm annually,and (502.6)mm,98.3mm in the main and minor growing season respectively. Tr per tree was significantly (a=0.01) related to canopy net radiation (Rn), air temperature (Ta), relative humidity (RH), wind velocity (V), The regression equations was Tr=0.274+0.042V+0.0067Ta-0.014RH (n=26352, r=0.8461),where the units for Tr, V, Ta, Rn are respectively L/h, m/s, ℃ and w/m^2, RH is in percentage (%)and Rn is the most important micrometeorology that effects on Tr in the main growing season of the apple tree by the partial correlation coefficient.