三峡库区云阳县三种类型马尾松林微生物区系及优势种群分析Ⅱ.林地空气、叶面和树皮表面 被引量:6
Analysis on Microbial Flora in Three Types of Pinus massoniana Forests in Yunyang County of the Three Gorges Reservoir AreaⅡ.Microflora in Woodland Air,Leaf and Bark Surface
英文题名:Analysis on Microbial Flora in Three Types of Pinus massoniana Forests in Yunyang County of the Three Gorges Reservoir AreaⅡ.Microflora in Woodland Air,Leaf and Bark Surface
作者:牟新涛[1] 李永[1] 李强军[2] 郭民伟[1] 朴春根[1]
外文期刊名:Forest Research
外文关键词:microbial; Pinus massoniana forest; flora analysis; dominant populations
摘要:为探讨马尾松不同类型林地地上部微生物区系及优势种群及其季节性变化,对三峡库区云阳县马尾松近熟龄天然林、中龄天然林和人工林林地空气、叶面和树皮表面等地上部的可培养细菌和真菌进行了分析。结果表明,空气、叶面和树皮表面的真菌、细菌两大类微生物数量四季变化趋势基本一致,夏季和秋季的数量多于冬季和春季,中龄天然林的两大类微生物数量最大且四季变化亦最大;优势种群的种类和数量随季节和林地类型不同而有所变化。人工林空气中可培养真菌种类秋、冬、春、夏分别有4、3、4、3种,近熟龄天然林和中龄天然林四季中均为3种;优势种群多样性人工林的大于近熟龄天然林和中龄天然林。近熟龄天然林和中龄天然林叶面优势细菌种群为维罗纳假单胞菌(Pseudomonas veronii)和粘质沙雷氏菌(Serratia marcescens),人工林则为粘质沙雷氏菌和肠杆菌(Enterobacter sp.);中龄天然林和人工林叶面优势真菌种群的种类四季相同,分别为杂色曲霉(Aspergillus versicolor)、忽视拟盘多毛孢(Pestalotiopsis neglecta)和匿名曲霉(Aspergillus nomius),而近熟龄天然林为杂色曲霉、忽视拟盘多毛孢和聚多曲霉(Aspergillus sydowii)。近熟龄天然林树皮表面的优势细菌种群主要为假单胞菌(Pseudomonas sp.),为三类林地中优势种数量所占比例最高的,秋、冬、春和夏季所占比例分别为69.05%、65.58%、57.08%和80.57%,中龄天然林主要为枯草芽孢杆菌(Bacillus subtilis),人工林主要为奈瑟氏球菌(Neisseriasp.);树皮表面真菌的优势种群,近熟龄天然林以瓦克青霉(Penicillium waksmanii)和忽视拟盘多毛孢为主,人工林以青霉和曲霉为主,但中龄天然林主要为毛霉(Mucorales,未定种),其数量明显要高,秋、冬、春和夏季所占比例分别为63.38%、65.76%、51.23%和84%。
To explore the microbial flora and its seasonal variation on different types of Pinus massoniana stand,the cultivable bacteria and fungi in the forest air and on the leaf and bark surface of near-matured forest,middle-aged forest and plantation in Yunyang County of the Three Gorges Reservoir Area were analyzed.The results showed that in the aboveground of the three types of pine forest,the microorganisms were consistent with the seasons,the quantities of microorganism in summer and autumn were higher than in winter and spring,the quantities of microorganism in middle-aged natural forest were the largest and the seasonal change was also the largest;the quantity and species of dominant population varied with the seasons and forest types.The fungal species in the air of plantation were 4,3,4,3 respectively in autumn,winter,spring and summer season,while,in near-matured forest and middle-aged forest,the fungal species were 3.The dominant species diversity in plantation was higher than that in near-matured forest and middle-aged forest.The bacterial dominant species on leaf surface in near-matured forest and middle-aged forest were Pseudomonas veronii and Serratia marcescens and in plantation was Enterobacter sp.The fungi species of dominant population on the leaf surface in the middle-aged natural forest and plantation were the same in four seasons,which including Aspergillus versicolor,Pestalotiopsis neglecta and Aspergillus nomius.However,they were Aspergillus versicolor,Pestalotiopsis neglecta and Aspergillus sydowii in the near-matured forest.The dominant bacteria population on the bark surface in near-matured forest was Pseudomonas sp.,which took the highest percentage in the dominant species among the three types of forest lands and were 69.05%,65.58%,57.08% and 80.57% respectively in autumn,winter,spring and summer.The dominant bacteria species in the middle-aged natural forest was Bacillus subtilis and in plantation was Neisseria sp.The dominant fungi species on the bark surface in near-matured forest were Penicillium waksmanii and Pestalotiopsis neglecta,and in plantation were Penicillium spp.and Aspergillus spp.,but in middle-aged forest,there was only one species of Mucorales,its quantity percentage in autumn,winter,spring and summer were 63.38%,65.76%,51.23% and 84%,respectively,which was significantly higher than those in the other two types of forest.