林分年龄、造林密度和林分自然稀疏对杉木人工林个体大小分化和生产力关系的影响 ( EI收录)
The Influences of Stand Age,Planting Density and Self-Thinning on Relationship between Size Inequality and Periodic Annual Increment in Chinese Fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata) Plantations
英文题名:The Influences of Stand Age,Planting Density and Self-Thinning on Relationship between Size Inequality and Periodic Annual Increment in Chinese Fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata) Plantations
作者:杨桂娟[1] 胡海帆[2] 孙洪刚[2] 张建国[1] 段爱国[1]
通信作者:Sun, Honggang
外文期刊名:Scientia Silvae Sinicae
外文关键词:size inequality;stand productivity;Chinese fir;self-thinning;Gini coefficient
摘要:【目的】研究林分生长过程中个体大小分化规律以及个体分化对林分生产力的影响,为通过培育措施调整改变林分内个体大小分化进而提高林分生产力提供理论依据。【方法】基于5种造林密度(2.0 m×3.0 m、2.0 m×1.5 m、2.0 m×1.0 m、1.0 m×1.5 m和1.0 m×1.0 m)的26年生杉木密度试验林定位观测数据,采用广义线性混合模型研究林分年龄、造林密度和林分自然稀疏对林分个体大小分化的影响以及个体分化与林分生产力的数量关系。【结果】Gini系数(个体大小分化)随林分年龄和造林密度增加而增大,林分发生自然稀疏时Gini系数降低,但在林分自然稀疏进程中林分内个体大小分化程度再次增大。造林密度越大,林分生产力越高;林分发生自然稀疏时林分生产力下降,但自然稀疏后生产力增加速度大于自然稀疏前;林分生产力与个体大小分化呈负相关。【结论】随林分年龄和造林密度增加,个体间分化程度增大,林分生产力增加;发生林分自然稀疏时,个体间分化程度降低,林分生产力下降;在随后的林分生长进程中,个体间分化程度不断增大,林分生产力也继续提高。林分自然稀疏可改变林分种内竞争强度,进而改变个体分化和生产力之间关系的轨迹。
【Objective】 Illustrating size inequality dynamic with stand growth trajectory, will improve our knowledge about relationships between size inequality and stand productivity. 【Method】 We examined the effects of stand age, planting density and self-thinning on size inequality and relationships between stand productivity and size inequality using Chinese fir plantations with five planting density levels(2.0 m×3.0 m,2.0 m×1.5 m,2.0 m×1.0 m, 1.0 m×1.5 m and 1.0 m×1.0 m)with three replications, respectively. The experimental stands were measured in winter every other year for 26 years, from 1981 to 2006. Generalized linear mixed effect models were used to examine the relationships between stand age, planting density, self-thinning, size inequality(assessed using the Gini coefficient)and stand productivity. 【Result】 Gini coefficients, and hence size inequality, increased with stand age and planting density, and decreased with self-thinning trajectory. The onset of self-thinning reduced the rate at which size inequality increased, which resulted in a slower rate than the increase prior to the onset of self-thinning, and then increased size inequality following self-thinning trajectory. Stand productivity increased with planting density, but stand productivity declined at a greater rate(with increasing size inequality)after self-thinning had begun to occur. Stand productivity was negatively correlated with size inequality. 【Conclusion】 Both Gini and stand productivity increased with stand age and planting density, the decreasing Gini and declining stand productivity occurred at the onset of self-thinning, both Gini and productivity increased again after the beginning of self-thinning. The stand self-thinning could modify the intra-specific competition intensity, and further changed the trajectory of size inequality and stand productivity. An understanding of the mechanisms driving the effects of self-thinning and growth on the relationships between stand productivity and size inequality may facilitate the further development of stand productivity. Meanwhile, the forest plantation silvicultural regimes of the development and enhancement of stand productivity may imitate the accurate improvement of forest quality.