森林色彩三要素独立变化对观赏效应的影响 被引量:11
Aesthetic Effects of Individual Variation of Three Forest Color Elements
英文题名:Aesthetic Effects of Individual Variation of Three Forest Color Elements
作者:秦一心[1] 方亮[1] 张龙[2] 史久西[2] 王斌[2]
外文期刊名:Journal of Chinese Urban Forestry
外文关键词:Key words: forest color, three elements of color, variation, aesthetic effect
Abstract: Color is combination of three elements of hue (H), saturation (S), and brightness (B). This combined indicators are commonly adopted in the research on forest color and however there is no thorough study on the individ- ual effects from the three elements. The study carried out the individual element control experiments by using typical forest color landscape pictures and setting up gradients of variation of H, S and B on the precondition that there is no change of the base, with the aim to analyze the aesthetic effects of the individual variation of the three elements of col- or. The resuhs showed that aesthetic value is significantly correlated (P 〈 0. 01 ) to the changes of individual color elements of H, S and B. Aesthetic value is correlated linearly with individual color element change via quadratic curve (R2 〉0. 8321), and a best aesthetic image, i. e. , base image, is obtained from the ordering of the gradi- ents of three color elements ; further processing shows that aesthetic value gradually degrades if any color element va- ries from the base image. The degradation is more noticeable, and when brightness and saturation are lowered, and hue goes toward purple. Of the three color elements, brightness affects aesthetic value the most, followed by saturation and hue. Brightness has the effect approximately 3. 25 times of hue and 1. 25 times of purity. For the best aesthetic value the three elements of color should fall in the following ranges of hue 22- 22%, saturation 35% - 70% and brightness 37%-78%. The base image brings the most comfortable visual effect. The images with more green bring people with calm and serenity, while those with more purple are visually more mystical, magnificent and stimulating.