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生态环境用水研究现状、问题分析与基本构架探索     被引量:81

On the Current Research Status, Problems and Future Framework of Ecological and Environmental Water Use



英文题名:On the Current Research Status, Problems and Future Framework of Ecological and Environmental Water Use

作者:贾宝全[1] 张志强[2] 张红旗[3] 慈龙骏[1]








外文期刊名:Acta Ecologica Sinica


基金:国家自然科学基金资助项目 ( 4 0 0 71 0 0 4;39990 4 90 );中国工程院资助项目 (西北地区水资源配置;生态环境建设和可持续发展战略研究 )



外文关键词:ecological water use; environmental water use; conceptual framework


摘要:生态学与水文学交叉研究是目前国际上前沿研究领域之一 ,生态环境用水研究则是连接生态过程与水文过程、刻画生态演化与水资源相互关系的核心问题。对生态、环境用水产生与发展的基本过程进行了回顾 ,并根据对已有成果的综合分析提出了目前研究中存在的 5方面主要问题。首先 ,生态用水尚需要理论上的进一步升华 ,这一点突出体现在生态用水的概念与内涵表述上 ;其次 ,在生态用水研究中 ,缺乏合理的生态保护目标的建立 ,因而影响到了研究成果的实际应用价值 ;第三 ,目前的研究均是针对较大尺度所作的 ,不能在生态机理与物理机制上揭示生态用水规律 ,因此 ,不适于具体问题的深入分析 ,个别实验在由“点”尺度向生态用水计算的“面”尺度转换时缺乏基础 ,从而严重影响了研究成果的精度 ;第四 ,生态用水机理是生态用水研究中至为关键的工作 ,以往研究主要依据野外宏观观测资料来探讨 ,缺乏直接的实验依据 ;第五 ,没有涉及生态用水对生态系统稳定性、生态用水满足程度及其波动性对生态系统影响等方面 ,从而也使得研究成果的科学性受到影响。同时作者认为 ,中国工程院“中国可持续发展水资源研究报告”中的生态环境用水概念对我国地大物博 ,地质地貌与气候类型多样的特点给给予了更多的关注 ,故可以确定为全国?
Investigations on the interrelationships between ecology and hydrology is one of global foci research subjects in environmental related area. Ecological(environmental) water use generally refers to the water resources demand in terms of water quantity and quality to maintain a specific and rational ecological(environmental) protection goal. Ecological water use study is one of critical step to evaluate the linkages of hydrologic processes and ecological processes and between ecological development and water resources. On the integrated analysis of current research results of ecological or environmental water use study, this paper put forward five major questions need to be addressed in the future research. 1) Theoretical framework for ecological water use study needs to be updated as this is specially lined in that the definition of ecological and environmental water use is diverse and inconsistence by various research programs; 2) Ecological water use refers to the water resources demand to maintain a rational ecological protection goal. Setting up rational ecological protection goal is nevertheless easy task and in hand instrument. To make practical sense of ecological water use research much work needs to be done in setting up rational ecological goal, indicators of the target, and assessment methodology for a specific ecological unit(community, ecosystem, landscape, and region) at timescales of the concern; 3) Calculation of ecological water use of current research at large scale could be not served as the investigation into ecological and physical mechanisms of ecological water usage. It is critical in terms of accuracy to up-scale water use measurements at “point” scale(e.g. for a single tree or specific plant community) to ecological water use calculation at “area” scale. There are no commonly accepted scaling methodology to date; 4) Ecological water use mechanism is one of the most important research subjects that need to be addressed not only by theoretical analysis but also field experiments. However, the current research basically depends on large-scale statistics; 5) Science nature of ecological water use research is overwhelmed by the current studies in that ecological water use impacts on ecosystem stability and satisfaction degree of ecological water use and its fluctuation on ecosystem development is not yet addressed. Referring to the diversified geological, morphological and climatic conditions of China, CAE's(Chinese Academy of Engineering) definition of ecological water use in the Report of Chinese Sustainable Development of Water Resources could be applicable in evaluating the ecological water use at national level. A new conceptual framework is outlined in this paper on the basis to consider two concepts of ecological water use and environmental water use differently.



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