红火蚁入侵强度对本地蚂蚁群落物种的发现-支配权衡的影响 被引量:1
Effects of invasion intensity of the red imported fire ant,Solenopsis invicta(Hymenoptera:Formicidae),on the discovery-dominance trade-off of species of native ant communities
英文题名:Effects of invasion intensity of the red imported fire ant,Solenopsis invicta(Hymenoptera:Formicidae),on the discovery-dominance trade-off of species of native ant communities
作者:燕迪[1,2] 卢志兴[2] 王庆[2] 于潇雨[1,2] 张念念[3] 李巧[1] 陈又清[2]
外文期刊名:Acta Entomologica Sinica
外文关键词:Solenopsis invicta;ant community;discovery-dominance trade-off;invasive species;foraging strategy
摘要:【目的】发现-支配权衡(discovery-dominance trade off)在物种间的竞争起着重要作用。本研究旨在了解不同强度的红火蚁Solenopsis invicta入侵对本地蚂蚁群落物种的发现-支配权衡的影响,从而探讨红火蚁与本地蚂蚁的竞争机制。【方法】于2017年10-11月,在云南省楚雄州牟定县的一滇橄榄种植基地利用诱饵法和陷阱法结合的方式引诱和收集蚂蚁,观察并记录常见蚂蚁种类的发现能力、招募能力、支配能力、最早发现诱饵的时间段及个体数。【结果】红火蚁的入侵显著影响了本地蚂蚁群落物种的发现-支配权衡。强入侵区(5.6个活动蚁巢/100 m^2)蚂蚁群落中物种的相对发现能力和相对支配能力不存在相关性;弱入侵区(0.14个活动蚁巢/100 m^2)蚂蚁群落中两者存在较弱的负相关性,但不显著;对照区(无蚁巢)中两者存在显著负相关性(强入侵区:r=-0.01,P=0.97;弱入侵区:r=-0.60,P=0.21;对照区:r=-0.81,P=0.04)。强入侵区的红火蚁种群普遍在5 min之内就能发现诱饵,而弱入侵区的种群需要10~60 min才能发现诱饵(χ^2(5)=33.37,P<0.001);强入侵区的红火蚁种群在发现诱饵频率和支配行为频率上均显著高于弱入侵区(发现诱饵频率:χ^2(1)=17.27,P<0.001;支配行为频率:χ^2(1)=6.25,P=0.03),而招募频率在两种入侵区间无显著差异(χ^2(1)=1.75,P=0.55)。【结论】红火蚁入侵打破了本地蚂蚁群落物种的发现-支配权衡,而且随着红火蚁种群规模的增大,从能够影响到完全打破这种发现-支配权衡。研究结果可为了解红火蚁入侵机制提供证据。
【Aim】Discovery-dominance trade-off plays an important role in interspecific competition.This study aims to clarify how the red imported fire ant,Solenopsis invicta,with different invasion intensities affects the discovery-dominance trade-off of species of native ant communities,and to explore the competition mechanism between the red imported fire ant and native ant species.【Methods】From October to November 2017,ants in an Phyllanthus emblica plantation in Mouding County,Chuxiong Prefecture,Yunnan Province were collected by using baits and pitfall methods,and then the discovery ability,recruitment ability,dominance ability,the earliest time period of discovering baits and the individual number of each ant species were measured and recorded.【Results】The invasion of the red imported fire ants significantly affected the discovery-dominance trade-off of species of the native ant communities.There was no correlation between the relative discovery ability and the relative dominance ability of species of the native ant community in the strong invasion plot(5.6 ant colonies/100 m^2),a weak but not significant correlation in the weak invasion plot(0.14 ant colonies/100 m^2),and a significantly negative correlation in the control plot(without ant colonies)(strong invasion plot:r=-0.01,P=0.97;weak invasion plot:r=-0.60,P=0.21;control plot:r=-0.81,P=0.04).The red imported fire ants in the strong invasion plot discovered baits significantly faster than those in the weak invasion plot.The ant communities in the strong invasion plot discovered baits within 5 min,but the ant communities in the weak invasion plot needed 10-60 min to discover baits(χ^2(5)=33.37,P<0.001).The frequencies of discovering baits and dominance behavior of the red imported fire ants in the strong invasion plot were significantly higher than those in the weak invasion plot(frequency of discovering baits:χ^2(1)=17.27,P<0.001;frequency of dominance behavior:χ^2(1)=6.25,P=0.03),but there was no significant difference in the recruitment frequency between the two invasion plots(χ^2(1)=1.75,P=0.55).【Conclusion】The red imported fire ants break the discovery-dominance trade-off of species of native ant communities,and with the increase of its population,the discovery-dominance trade-off is affected and even destroyed.These results provide the scientific evidence for understanding the invasion mechanism of the red imported fire ant.