北京常见阔叶绿化植物滞留PM2.5能力与叶面微结构的关系 被引量:43
Retention Capability of PM_(2.5) and It's Explanation by Leaf Surface Micro-structure of Common Broad-leaved Plant Species in Beijing
英文题名:Retention Capability of PM_(2.5) and It's Explanation by Leaf Surface Micro-structure of Common Broad-leaved Plant Species in Beijing
作者:谢滨泽[1,2] 王会霞[2] 杨佳[1,2] 王彦辉[2] 石辉[1]
外文期刊名:Acta Botanica Boreali-Occidentalia Sinica
外文关键词:plant leaves ; PM2.5 ; retention ; particle size ; micro-structure of leaf surface
摘要:叶片是植物滞留大气颗粒物的主要载体,对城市环境质量的改善发挥着巨大作用.该文用洗脱法测定了北京市20种常见阔叶绿化植物单位叶面积滞留总悬浮颗粒物(TSP)及PM2.5(颗粒直径≤2.5 μm)的质量,并利用扫描电子显微镜观察了叶表面的微结构,分析比较了20种道路绿化植物叶片去除TSP与PM2.5的能力,以探讨典型植物叶表面微结构特征对大气颗粒物拦截效果的影响机理.结果显示:(1)不同植物单位叶面积滞留TSP和PM2.5的量均存在显著差异,变化范围分别为0.40~3.44 g/m2和0.04~0.39 g/m2.(2)叶表面沟槽宽度的不同可能是不同植物滞留TSP和PM2.5差异的主要原因,沟槽宽度过宽和过窄均不利于叶片捕集颗粒物,且颗粒物滞留量随沟槽深度增加而增大.(3)气孔密度较大的叶片表面颗粒物滞留量较大.研究表明,灌木与藤本植物单位叶面积对TSP和PM2.5的平均滞留量均大于乔木;叶表面沟槽宽度为5μm左右时对PM2.5滞留量较大;悬铃木(Platanus aceri olia)、木槿(Hibiscus syriacus)和大叶黄杨(Buxus sinica)单位叶面积滞留TSP与PM2.5量与其他供试植物相比均较大.
Plant leaves play significant role for improving the quality of urban environment by acting as bio logical filters to capture atmospheric particulate matter. In this paper, the captured amount of TSP (total suspended particles) and PM2.5 (particles with diameter ≤2.5 μm) per unit leaf area for 20 plants commonly used for urban greening in Beijing were measured by water washing methods,and the micro-structure of leaf surface of these plants were investigated by scanning electron microscopy. The mechanism that micro- structure of leaves surface how to affect the ability of capturing atmospheric particulate was discussed, through analyzing removal TSP and PM2. s numbers of 20 kinds of road plant with different surface microstructure. The results showed (1)There is significant difference in the captured amount of TSP and PM2.5 per unit leaf area among the plant species,with the variation ranges of 0.40--3.4 μm/m2 (TSP) and 0.04- 0.39 g/m2 (PM2,5),respectively. (2)The difference in groove width on leaf surface may be the main reason for explaining the difference of TSP and PM2.5 retention among plant species;the grooves too broad ana too narrow are not bene{icial to trap particulate matter. The captured amount of PMa ; on leaf surface increases with increasing groove depth. (3)There are higher particle retention numbers for that plant with more sto- ma per unit leaf. The results have illustrated that captured amounts of TSP and PM2. 5 per unit leaf area on shrubs and lianas are greater than that on trees;leaf surface trench width of PM2. 5 holdup at around 5m larger ; sycamore(Platanus aceri fogia ), hibiscus(Hibiscus s yriacus ) and Euon ymus( Buacus sinica ) unit leaf area stranded TSP and PM2.5 amount compared with other test plants are larger.