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海南岛热带天然针叶林主要树种的空间格局及关联性     被引量:28

The spatial distribution patterns and associations of the principal trees and shrubs in a natural tropical coniferous forest on Hainan Island, China



英文题名:The spatial distribution patterns and associations of the principal trees and shrubs in a natural tropical coniferous forest on Hainan Island, China

作者:张俊艳[1] 成克武[2] 臧润国[1]








外文期刊名:Biodiversity Science





外文关键词:point pattem analysis, interspecific associations, tropical natural coniferous forest, mixed conif- erous-broadleaved forest, Pinus latteri, Hainan Island


摘要:天然针叶林在热带地区虽较为少见,但其对维持热带地区的生物多样性和生境异质性具有特殊意义。在我国热带天然针叶林集中分布面积最大的海南霸王岭林区,作者选择伴生阔叶树种优势度不同的两种典型南亚松(Pinus latteri)天然林(简称纯林和混交林),采用点格局法分析了其林冠层、亚林层和林下层主要树种的空间分布格局及其关联性。结果表明:(1)纯林中林冠层的南亚松主要为聚集分布,混交林中在较小尺度上为聚集分布,在较大尺度上为随机分布。(2)纯林中亚林层树种在较小尺度上为聚集分布,在较大尺度上为随机分布,在混交林中主要为聚集分布。(3)纯林中林下层树种主要呈现为随机分布,而在混交林中主要为聚集分布。(4)随着尺度的增加,林冠层与其他两个层次的树种,在纯林中表现出从空间无关联到正关联的变化趋势,而在混交林中则表现出从空间无关联到负关联的变化趋势。(5)亚林层与林下层树种在各个尺度上都表现为空间正关联。由此可见,热带天然针叶林中优势种南亚松对伴生阔叶树种的分布格局具有重要影响。
Coniferous forests rarely occur in the tropics, but they play a unique role in maintaining biodiver- sity and habitat heterogeneity of tropical forest ecosystems. The Bawangling forest region (BFR) contains the largest tropical coniferous forest in China; this forest is dominated by Pinus latteri in the canopy layer and by a diverse variety of broadleaved species in the subcanopy and understory layers. Based on the relative domi- nance of the broadleaved species in the communities, we selected a "pure" stand and a mixed stand to ana- lyze the spatial patterns and associations of the species in the canopy, subcanopy, and understory layers with a spatial point pattern analysis method. The results of the study were as follows: in the "pure" stand, the trees in the canopy layer showed aggregated patterns, whereas in the mixed stand, they showed aggregated pat- terns at smaller scales and random patterns at larger scales. In the "pure" stand, species in the subcanopy layer showed aggregated patterns at smaller scales and random patterns at larger scales, but they primarily showed aggregated patterns in the mixed stand. The trees in the understory layer showed random patterns in the "pure" stand and aggregated patterns in the mixed stand. With the increase in scale, the spatial associa- tions between canopy and subcanopy species and between canopy and understory species changed from no association to positive associations in the "pure" stand. However, they changed from no association to nega- tive associations in the mixed stand. The spatial associations between species in the subcanopy and under-story layers were positive at all scales. These results indicate that the spatial patterns of broadleaved species are mainly controlled by the dominant conifers in the canopy layer in this natural tropical coniferous forest.



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