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AMS C-14 dating and wood identification in ancient timber structures in Shanxi Province, China     被引量:5


英文题名:AMS C-14 dating and wood identification in ancient timber structures in Shanxi Province, China

作者:Dong, Meng-Yu[1,2] Lu, Yun[1] Jiang, Xiao-Mei[1] Wang, Wei-Bin[3] Zhou, Yu-Cheng[4] Zhao, Guang-Jie[2] Zhou, Hai-Bin[5] Yin, Ya-Fang[1]

第一作者:Dong, Meng-Yu

通信作者:Yin, YF[1];Zhou, HB[2]

机构:[1]Chinese Acad Forestry, Wood Anat & Utilizat Dept, Res Inst Wood Ind, Beijing 100091, Peoples R China;[2]Beijing Forestry Univ, Coll Mat Sci & Technol, 35 Tsinghua East Rd, Beijing 100083, Peoples R China;[3]Shanxi Supervis Stn Maintenance Qual Tradit Const, Taiyuan 030001, Shanxi, Peoples R China;[4]Shandong Jianzhu Univ, Jinan 250101, Shandong, Peoples R China;[5]Chinese Acad Forestry, Wood Mech & Struct Dept, Res Inst Wood Ind, Beijing 100091, Peoples R China






基金:This work was supported financially by a project of China (No. Lu2015-162) and a project by the State Administration of Cultural Heritage of China (No. 200224). We would like to express our gratitude for the technical assistance on sample preparation provided by Mr. Yonggang Zhang and Mr. Liuyang Han at the Research Institute of Wood Industry, the Chinese Academy of Forestry. We also gratefully acknowledge the help received from Dr. Luxia Liu at the Research Institute of Forest Resource Information Techniques, the Chinese Academy of Forestry, regarding the analyses of the data concerning the distribution of forest resources in the Shanxi Province. Wewould also like to acknowledge the language editing work done by Kevin Austin of BizTech English AB (http://www.biztech.se).


外文关键词:Archaeological wood; Radiocarbon dating; Wood characteristics; Historical record; Forest resources

摘要:Shanxi Province in the northwest of China is one of the centres of ancient Chinese civilization. Archaeological records from this region are a valuable legacy of ancient culture in China. Many historical buildings have been preserved up to the present time. Forty-one archaeological wood samples were taken from twelve timber structures that are in the northern, central, southern and south-eastern regions of Shanxi Province, China. The AMS C-14 dates were calibrated and compared to the dates in the historical records to establish accurate calendar dating of the timbers using radiocarbon analyses, when it came to the construction of the buildings and the times when maintenance work was carried out on them. The reusing of certain timbers was investigated. All the samples were identified using a microscope; they were identified as eleven timber-tree genera. The most common species used for the ancient buildings concerned was Ulmus, followed by Larix, Populus and Quercus. While guaranteeing quality and utility, these taxa were mostly used in the columns, flower arms, cap blocks, bracket sets etc. The principle and trend of the wood selection involved were pointedly restricted by means of transportation, because the ancient timbers used in the buildings were mostly gathered from the local wild wood resources in the areas nearby. (C) 2017 Published by Elsevier Ltd.



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