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木材高强微波处理及其结构失效机制研究进展     被引量:4

Research progress on high-intensity microwave treatment and failure mechanism of wood



英文题名:Research progress on high-intensity microwave treatment and failure mechanism of wood

作者:王振宇[1] 林兰英[1] 傅峰[1] 周永东[1] 李善明[1] 彭立民[1] 伊松林[2]








外文期刊名:Journal of Forestry Engineering





外文关键词:wood modification;high-intensity microwave treatment;multi-scale structure;weak structures;failure mechanism


Wood is the only renewable and degradable biomass material among the major building materials and has a lot of unique and excellent properties, which leads it to play a vital role in our daily life and economic development. However, the durable wood resources in our country are far from sufficient, resulting in the unavoidable cultivation of the fast-growing wood. Unfortunately, the fast-growing wood is not comparable in quality to durable wood and is difficult to be utilized directly, mainly due to its special growth and structural features. As an environment-friendly, efficient, and fast method for wood pretreatment, the high-intensity microwave treatment can change the properties of fast-growing wood and provide a good precondition for wood modification by causing the failure of weak structures in wood. Briefly speaking, microwaves can heat the water in the wood, generating high-temperature and high-pressure steam within the wood cells. With the rise of the temperature and pressure, the weak structures, which are most prone to failure in wood, will be destroyed. Consequently, under the background of the shortage of high-quality wood resources, the high-intensity microwave treatment has been widely used in many fields of the wood industry and gradually become an effective way to achieve the solid utilization of fast-growing wood as well as alleviate the contradiction between wood supply and demand in China. Given that the damage of weak structures is the key point in the high-intensity microwave treatment and directly determines the treatment effects, it’s necessary to clarify the failure mechanism of wood multi-scale weak structures in the treatment. Meanwhile, this will also improve the theoretical system of wood high-intensity microwave technique as well as benefit the accurate control and wide applications of the wood microwave treatment. On the basis of introducing the existing researches and applications of the wood high-intensity microwave technique, combined with the concept of the weak structure of wood, this study reviewed studies on the failure mechanism of the multi-scale structures in microwave-treated wood. In addition, by summarizing the experience and shortcomings of previous researches, some suggestions and prospects were proposed in this paper, which is supposed to provide new methods and ideas for carrying out further studies on the failure mechanism of wood multi-scale structures during the high-intensity microwave treatment.



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