英文题名:Analysis on instantaneous spatial pattern of thermal force field in Harbin
作者:祝宁[1] 王成[2] 周洪泽[1] 李敏[1]
外文期刊名:Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology
基金:国家科技攻关计划重大专项资助项目 (2 0 0 2BA5 16A15 0 1)
外文关键词:GIS, Thermal force field, Greenland coverage, Building dimension
摘要:应用遥感 (TM图象 )及地理信息系统 (ArcView)技术 ,对哈尔滨市瞬时热力场空间格局现状进行多角度分析 .将TM成像时哈尔滨市不同地表辐射温度地块分为 3个温度等级 :相对低辐射温度 (<10℃ )、相对中等辐射温度 (10~ 2 2℃ )和相对高辐射温度 (2 2~ 31℃ )地块 .其中相对高辐射温度的地块数量最多 ,占 6 1% ;相对低辐射温度地块最少 ,仅占 17% ;相对中等辐射温度地块居中 ,占 2 2 % .在相对高辐射温度地块 (2 2~ 31℃ )中 ,大于 2 8℃的相对过热辐射温度的地块为 70 18块 ,总面积达 12 2 5 2hm2 ,且大小不均 ,最大斑块面积是 14 89hm2 ,最小斑块面积为 0 .72hm2 .在这些斑块中面积小于 1hm2 的占 95 .0 2 % ,1~ 5hm2 占 3.4 6 % ,而大于 5hm2 的占 1.5 2 % .它们以热团、热环及碎片的形式分布 ,形成分布格局 .团状复合体内平均辐射温度为 30 .8℃ ,它们主要出现在哈尔滨市的道外区、道里区西南部 .热环复合体的平均辐射温度为 2 7℃ ,它们沿哈尔滨市现存的两条铁路环线构成过高热辐射环带 .碎片复合体内的平均辐射温度为 2 4 .7℃ ,以小于 1hm2 的过高热辐射地块构成碎片形状 ,分布在南岗区和动力区 .还分析了覆盖率、绿地面积及建筑容积因素与城市热力场空间格局的关系 ,提出了改善哈尔滨城市热岛?
The spatial pattern of urban thermal force field is not only the dominant content in assessing city ecological environment, but also an important base for city green system planning. The status of spatial pattern of thermal force field in Harbin was analyzed with RS and GIS techniques. Based on the instantaneous radiation temperature of the land surfaces in the city when the TM image was sensed remotely, all the patches were divided into 3 levels, i.e., low radiation temperature (<10℃), middle radiation temperature (10~22℃), and high radiation temperature of the land surfaces (22~31℃). The patches with high radiation temperature accounted for 61%, those with low radiation temperature accounted for 17%, and those with middle radiation temperature accounted for 22%. 7018 patches (12252 hm 2 in total) with super-thermal radiation (>28℃) were uneven in their areas. The biggest area in these patches was 1489 hm 2, and the smallest one was 0.72 hm 2. The proportion of the patches with an area less than 1 hm 2, between 1~5 hm 2, and more than 5 hm 2 was 95.02%, 3.46%, and 1.58 %, respectively. There were 3 types of spatial patterns of the super-thermal radiation patches, i.e., round form (the average radiation temperature was 30.8℃), ring form (the average radiation temperature was 27℃), and pieces form (the average radiation temperature was 24.7℃). Daowai District and Daoli District were round form, districts along the ring routes of railway in the city were ring form, and Nangang District and Dongli District were pieces form. Some advices to resolve the problem of ‘heat island effect’ influenced by the factors including greenland covering rate, greenland area and building dimension were discussed.