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FTIR及CLSM对转基因杨木细胞壁木质素含量及微区分布研究  ( SCI-EXPANDED收录 EI收录)   被引量:2

Analysis of Content and Distribution of Lignin in Cell Wall of Transgenic Poplar with Fourier Infrared Spectrun(FTIR) and Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy(CLSM)



英文题名:Analysis of Content and Distribution of Lignin in Cell Wall of Transgenic Poplar with Fourier Infrared Spectrun(FTIR) and Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy(CLSM)

作者:刘苍伟[1] 苏明垒[1,2] 周贤武[1] 赵荣军[1] 吕建雄[1] 王玉荣[1,2]


通信作者:Wang, YR[1];Wang, YR[2]|[a0005066e07bcca30717f]王玉荣;







外文期刊名:Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis





外文关键词:Transgenic poplar; Lignin; FTIR; CLSM


摘要:通过木质素基因工程能够有效降低杨木细胞壁木质素含量,从而改善人工林杨树作为木质纤维材料的利用现状。选取C3H基因活性抑制表达的转基因杨树和其对照组杨树为实验材料,利用傅里叶红外光谱(FTIR)技术快速表征C3H基因表达活性降低后幼龄杨木细胞壁木质素的含量,并结合激光共聚焦显微镜(CLSM)和组织化学染色技术原位表征木质素含量微区分布变化规律。结果表明转基因杨树与对照组杨树红外谱图的形状和特征峰数目、位置基本一致,表明C3H基因活性降低并未改变杨木细胞壁主要化学成分及结构,但I_(1 508)/I_(1 379),I_(1 508)/I_(1 425)和I_(1 508)/I_(1 740)木质素特征峰高度比值结果表明转基因杨木木质素含量下降了8.2%~9.5%,峰强度的区别说明C3H基因活性抑制表达能够改变杨木细胞壁上木质素等化学组分含量;CLSM观察发现转基因杨木木质素微区分布含量均为纤维细胞角隅>复合胞间层>次生壁,与对照组木质素呈现相同的沉积规律,且转基因杨木细胞壁木质素浓度低于对照组杨木;组织化学染色的结果同样表明杨木S单体木质素均匀分布于纤维细胞壁上,而G单体木质素微区沉积规律为纤维细胞角隅>复合胞间层>次生壁,进一步揭示了C3H基因活性的降低并没有改变转基因杨木G和S木质素单体的沉积规律,但对其纤维和导管壁上木质素单体含量分布有一定影响。
Lignin genetic engineering can effectively reduce the lignin content ofthe cell walls in poplars, while improving utiliza- tion characteristic of poplars as the lignocellulosic material. In this paper, the transgenic poplars with C3H downregulated and control poplars were selected. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopic was used to quickly characterize the lignin con- tent and the other cell wall constituents of transgenic poplars with C3H-downregulated. CLSM and histochemistry reaction were used to reveal the influence of lignin content reduction on their micro-area distribution in situ. The results showed that the FTIR spectrum shape, the number and wavenumbers of characteristic bands of transgenic poplars and control poplars were similar which means that the reduction of C3H activity had no effect on the chemical composition of poplar cell walls. However, the height ratios of I1508/I1 379, I1 508/I1 425, and I1 508/I1 740 associated with lignin content reduced 8. 2% to 9.5% in transgenic poplars compared with control poplars. The difference in intensity of spectrum peaks between the transgenic poplars and the control poplars illustrated that the C3H-downregulated can change the cell wall constituents content of the transgenic poplars. The CLSM images showed that the micro-area distribution trends of the lignin of the cell walls in transgenic poplars and control poplars were similar, and the sequence of lignin distribution was the cell wall corner〉the middle lamellar〉the second cell wall, and the images also showed the lower lignin content of the cell walls in transgenic poplars than that of the control group. The Wiesner and Maule staining images also showed that S lignin monomer was uniformly distributed in fiber cell walls of the two kinds of poplars, and the G lignin monomer deposition was nonhomogeneous, the sequence was also the cell wall corner〉the middle lamellar〉the second cell wall. These results also illustrated that reducing the activity of C3H gene had no influence on distribution trend of G and S lignin monomer, but changed the lignin monomer content of the cell walls of fiber and vessel in transgenic poplars.



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