Dynamics of Growth and Biomass for Eucalyptus grandis × E. urophylla Plantation at Shatang Forest Farm, Guangxi
英文题名:Dynamics of Growth and Biomass for Eucalyptus grandis × E. urophylla Plantation at Shatang Forest Farm, Guangxi
作者:郭耆[1] 周光益[2] 李兆佳[2] 莫志海[1] 赵厚本[2] 杨乐苏[2]
外文期刊名:Guangxi Forestry Science
外文关键词:Eucalyptus plantation;stand growth;biomass;stand volume;current annual increment
摘要:以树高、胸径和冠幅为监测指标,对广西沙塘林场桉树高产试验示范林基地中3个巨尾桉(Eucalyptus grandis×E.urophylla)人工林样地进行了13次连续调查,利用该区域前人已建立的桉树二元材积公式和生物量异速生长模型估算不同时期林分蓄积量和生物量,分析巨尾桉人工林不同发育阶段的林木生长特性、生物量组成和分配格局,探讨胸径、树高、冠幅生长及各器官生物量生长随林龄的变化规律。结果表明,巨尾桉生长具有明显的月、季和年变化规律,雨季生长快,旱季生长慢,1~3年生长迅速,4年后生长开始变缓;胸径、树高、林分蓄积量和生物量的月增长动态趋势相同,月增长快速期为4-9月(9月达最高值);冠幅在种植后第2年的9月达到最大值(3.47 m),第2年年底时出现负增长,第4年趋于稳定;2年生时,树高和胸径的连年生长量(7.56 m/a,5.30 cm/a)、平均年生长量(6.63 m/a,4.80 cm/a)达最大值;3年生时,林分蓄积量的年平均和连年生长量(45.60、71.44 m3·hm^-2·a^-1)、乔木层生物量的年平均和连年生长量(30.42、48.23 t·hm^-2·a^-1)达最大值。不同生长阶段巨尾桉人工林乔木层生物量分配规律显示,随着林龄的增加,叶、枝、根的生物量占乔木层总生物量的比例明显减少,而树干生物量占总生物量的比例显著增加。1~5年生巨尾桉人工林林分蓄积量分别为6.6、65.4、136.8、182.3和201.9 m3/hm2,乔木层生物量分别为6.70、43.03、91.27、117.66和135.41 t/hm2;与其他地点不同林龄阶段林分的比较发现,本试验地的桉树林分生长较快,蓄积量和生物量也比其他区域高。该研究成果将为进一步开展巨尾桉人工林可持续经营研究和林业生产实践提供科学依据。
Using tree height,DBH and crown width as monitoring indicators,13 consecutive surveys were conducted on 3 plots of Eucalyptus grandis×E.urophylla plantation at the high yield demonstration forest base of Shatang forest farm,Guangxi.The two-way tree volume dynamic model and biomass allometric equation of Eucalyptus plantation in the study region which established by previous researchers were used to estimate stand volume and biomass at different ages.Growth characteristics,biomass composition and allocation pattern of E.grandis×E.urophylla plantation at different ages,and growth dynamics of DBH,tree height,crown width and each organ biomass with increasing age were analyzed and discussed.Results showed that growth of E.grandis×E.urophylla had obvious monthly,seasonal and annual change regulations.The fast growth and slow growth of E.grandis×E.urophylla appeared in rainy season and dry season,respectively,and trees grew rapidly during the first year to third year and then slowed down after the fourth year.The monthly increment dynamics of DBH,tree height,stand volume and biomass had the same tendency,and their monthly fast-growing period was from April to September(the highest value in September).Crown width reached the highest value(3.47 m)in September of the second year after planting,and occurred negative growth at the end of the second year,which tended to be stable at the fourth year after planting.The current annual increments of tree height and DBH(7.56 m/a,5.30 cm/a)and average annual increments(6.63 m/a,4.80 cm/a)reached the maximum at the second year.Average and current and consecutive annual increments of stand volume(45.60 and 71.44 m3·hm^-2·a^-1)and arbor biomass(30.42 and 48.23 t·hm^-2·a^-1)reached the largest at the third year.The arbor biomass allocation of E.grandis×E.urophylla plantation at different growth stages showed that ratio of leaf,branch and root biomass to total arbor biomass decreased significantly,while proportion of trunk biomass increased significantly with increase of stand age.From the first year to the fifth year,stand volumes of E.grandis×E.urophylla plantation were 6.6,65.4,136.8,182.3 and 201.9 m3/hm2 respectively,and arbor layer biomass was 6.70,43.03,91.27,117.66 and 135.41 t/hm2 respectively.Compared with stands of different ages in other regions,Eucalyptus plantation in this area grew faster,and stand volume and arbor biomass were also generally higher.Research results would provide scientific basis for further research on sustainable management of E.grandis×E.urophylla plantations and productive practice of forestry.