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毛竹林地覆盖和翻耕对土壤酶活性及土壤养分含量的影响     被引量:11

Effects of Soil Straw Mulching and Cultivation on Enzymes and Nutrients in Phyllostachys edulis Plantation Soil



英文题名:Effects of Soil Straw Mulching and Cultivation on Enzymes and Nutrients in Phyllostachys edulis Plantation Soil

作者:赵睿宇[1] 李正才[1] 王斌[1] 葛晓改[1] 戴云喜[2] 赵志霞[1] 张雨洁[1]








外文期刊名:Forest Research





外文关键词:Phyllostachys edulis;soil mulch with straw;cultivation;soil nutrient;soil enzyme


摘要:[目的]探讨毛竹林土壤酶和土壤养分元素对地表覆盖翻耕的响应,为毛竹林覆盖经营提供科学指导。[方法]以浙江省台州市黄岩区山地毛竹林为研究对象,对稻草覆盖2年翻耕、覆盖2年未翻耕和自然生长(对照)的毛竹林0~50 cm各土层土壤酶活性及土壤养分含量进行比较研究。[结果]表明:(1)覆盖翻耕样地和未翻耕样地土壤多酚氧化酶活性均低于对照样地,且在0~20 cm土层差异显著;覆盖处理后,覆盖2年翻耕样地土壤过氧化物酶活性均低于对照样地(0~10 cm土层差异显著),覆盖2年未翻耕样地土壤过氧化物酶活性(10~20 cm土层除外)也均低于对照样地;土壤脲酶、蔗糖酶活性则显著增加。(2)覆盖处理后,土壤养分元素含量得到增加;覆盖翻耕样地土层土壤养分含量均先增加后降低,且在10~20 cm土层达到最大;翻耕处理与未翻耕处理相比,土壤全氮含量在0~30 cm土层差异达到显著水平。(3)土壤酶活性与土壤养分含量间存在一定的相关性,土壤脲酶和蔗糖酶与土壤各养分存在极显著正相关关系;土壤多酚氧化酶和土壤养分间均呈现负相关关系,土壤过氧化物酶与土壤有机质、有效磷间存在负相关关系,与其它土壤养分间存在正相关关系,但相关性均不显著。[结论]地表覆盖对毛竹林地土壤酶活性和土壤养分含量有显著影响,短期内地表覆盖可以显著提高毛竹林土壤肥力,且覆盖翻耕措施较利于增加土壤肥力。
[Objective] To reveal the response of soil enzymes and soil nutrients to soil surface mulching in Phyllostachys edulis plantation and the relationship between them.[Method] The 0[XC^X1.TIF,JZ]50 cm soil layer of bamboo stands, located in Huangyan District of Taizhou City (Zhejiang Province) were selected to investigate the difference among three treatments, i.e.straw mulched continuously for two years with soil turning, without soil turning, and natural growth with no intervention (CK).[Result] The results show that:(1) The polyphenol oxidase activity in the soil of Ph.edulis plantation mulched with or without soil turning was lower compared with the CK, especially in soil depth of 0[XC^X1.TIF,JZ]20 cm.Compared with the CK, the activity of soil peroxidase in Ph.edulis plantation treated with mulching and soil turning decreased with a significant level in soil depth of 0[XC^X1.TIF,JZ]10 cm and that treated with mulching without soil turning also decreased except the soil layer of 10[XC^X1.TIF,JZ]20 cm in depth.However, the activities of both urease and sucrase improved compared with the CK.(2) After soil straw mulching, the soil nutrient content of the plantation treated by mulching with or without soil turning increased.The nutrient contents of the mulching and soil turning increased at first and then decreased in the 0[XC^X1.TIF,JZ]10 cm soil layer, and reached the maximum at 10[XC^X1.TIF,JZ]20 cm soil layer;there was a significant difference in total N between mulching without soil turning and mulching with soil turning in depth of 0[XC^X1.TIF,JZ]30 cm soils.(3) There was a correlation between soil enzyme and soil nutrient.Both urease and sucrase had a significant positive correlation with soil nutrient, but a negative correlation between polyphenol oxidase and soil nutrient.Peroxidase had a negative correlation with soil organic matter, available P and had no significant correlation with other soil nutrients.[Conclusion] Soil surface mulching has significant effect on soil enzyme activity and soil nutrient content of Ph.edulis plantation, short-term surface mulching can significantly improve soil fertility and fertility of straw mulched with soil turning is better than that of straw mulched without soil turning.



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