枯叶蛱蝶越冬雌成虫的生殖休眠特征研究 被引量:1
Characteristics of reproductive dormancy in overwintering adult female Kallima inachus
英文题名:Characteristics of reproductive dormancy in overwintering adult female Kallima inachus
作者:栗婧[1] 周成理[1] 石雷[1] 姚俊[1] 廖怀建[1] 杜婷[1]
外文期刊名:Chinese Journal of Applied Entomology
外文关键词:Kallima inachus;reproductive dormancy;oocyte development;diapause;overwintering
摘要:【目的】为了开展枯叶蛱蝶Kallimainachus(Doyére,1840)野生种群保育、人工繁育与利用,研究了近自然实验种群越冬雌成虫生殖休眠的性质、自然休眠期及其进展过程。【方法】根据卵母细胞的成熟度,划分繁殖季直接发育雌成虫的生殖发育进度等级;主要根据越冬早期雌成虫是否即时响应适宜条件恢复发育,判定其休眠性质为滞育或静息;通过定期检查放养在近自然条件下的越冬雌成虫的生殖发育进度,阐明其自然休眠期;通过定期将越冬成虫转至25℃、光照L︰D=15︰9和RH70%条件下保育不同天数后解剖检查其生殖细胞的发育情况,判断其滞育期和后滞育静息期。【结果】(1)繁殖季雌成虫在2日龄即开始卵黄沉积,至14日龄均已发育出成熟卵母细胞,其生殖发育被划分为4个等级,日龄与发育等级呈显著线性相关。(2)将羽化于10月上旬、放养在近自然条件下的越冬雌成虫从其11日龄开始,保育在25℃条件下12 d,其生殖发育仍无启动迹象。(3)羽化于9月8日、放养于近自然条件下的雌成虫,在其10日龄时,绝大多数处于休眠状态,少量个体继续发育;羽化于10月1日的雌成虫,从10月中旬至12月下旬,几乎所有个体均处于休眠状态;次年1月上旬,部分个体的卵母细胞发育开始启动。(4)12月上旬,所有检查的近自然实验种群雌成虫均不能在25℃条件下迅速恢复生殖发育;12月下旬,大部分个体在25℃条件下恢复发育。但仍有少量个体未显示发育恢复迹象,体现了个体间存在滞育强度的差异。【结论】枯叶蛱蝶的越冬生殖休眠为典型的滞育;近自然条件下,绝大多数雌成虫从9月中旬到1月下旬处于休眠状态,部分个体在次年1月初开始生殖发育;越冬雌成虫在12月上旬前处于滞育维持阶段,自12月下旬开始逐渐进入后滞育静息期。
[Objectives] To investigate reproductive, overwintering dormancy, including the natural duration of dormancy and its successive stages, to improve the conservation, artificial cultivation and utilization of wild populations of Kallima inachus(Doyére, 1840). [Methods] The reproductive development of female adults in a semi-natural experimental population in early summer was graded according to the degree of oocyte development. The stage of dormancy(i.e. diapause or quiescence) was determined mainly by whether female adults in the early overwintering period resumed ovarian development under suitable environmental conditions. The developmental status of overwintering females held in conditions similar to the natural environment was inspected at regular intervals to determine the period of natural dormancy. Overwintering females were transferred to experimental conditions of 25 ℃(L︰D =15︰9 and RH 70 %) at regular intervals to determine when diapause was terminated, as indicated by the resumption of ovarian development. [Results](1) 2-day-old female adults developed oocytes with yolk in early summer, and all females had mature oocytes on the 14 th day after eclosion. There was a significant linear relationship between reproductive development and age that could be divided into four stages.(2) After incubation for 12 days in conditions similar to that of the natural environment in early summer(25 ℃, L : D =15 : 9 and RH 70 %), 11 day-old overwintering adults that had eclosed in early October did not initiate reproductive development.(3) Most ten-day-old female adults that had eclosed on September 8 became reproductively dormant when held under semi-natural environmental conditions, although a few still continued reproductive development. All but one of the female adults that eclosed on October 1 were reproductively dormant from mid-October to late December when held under seminatural environmental conditions but ovarian development began in some individuals in early January of the following year.(4) Female adults could not resume reproductive development rapidly at 25 ℃ until mid to late December, but by late December most individuals had resumed development at 25 ℃, although a small number still showed no sign of ovarian development, indicating individual differences in diapause intensity. [Conclusion] The overwintering, reproductive dormancy of K. inachus is a typical diapause. While the majority of female adults in a semi-natural experimental population were reproductively dormant from mid-September to late January, some individuals began ovarian development in early January. Overwintering female adults were at the stage of diapause maintenance till the beginning of December, and gradually entered a period of post-diapause quiescence from late December.