5年生马尾松生长性状3地点家系变异及评价 被引量:7
Family Variation and Evaluation of Growth Traits of 5-Year-old Pinus massoniana in Three Sites
英文题名:Family Variation and Evaluation of Growth Traits of 5-Year-old Pinus massoniana in Three Sites
作者:解懿妮[1] 刘青华[1] 蔡燕灵[2] 孙林山[3] 徐清乾[4] 周志春[1]
外文期刊名:Forest Research
外文关键词:Pinus massoniana;family;growth trait;genetic variation;stability;fast-growth
[Objective] To study the genetic variation and genetic stability of young forest growth traits and shoot growth behavior, and provide a reference for the selection of excellent families of Pinus massoniana. [Method] Forty three clones of P. massoniana were selected as the test samples, in which 7 clones from Fujian Province, 6 clones from Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, 10 clones from Hu’nan Province, 10 clones from Guangdong Province,and 10 clones from Zhejiang Province. The trial sites locate at Jingshan of Hubei Province, Guiyang of Hu’nan Province and Xinyi of Guangdong Province where test forests were established in 2014. The growth traits and shoot growth behavior of five-year-old P. massoniana family were investigated to analyze the genetic variation rule and correlation. On this basis, the stability and fast-growth traits of these families were evaluated. [Result] The growth traits and shoot growth behavior of 5-year-old P. massoniana were significantly different among families and locations, and the interaction between families and locations was also extremely significant. The family heritability was greater than the individual heritability at the three test locations. The heritability of DBH, tree height, whorled branches number and shoot growth traits was high. The family heritability was 0.72–0.96, while the individual heritability was 0.45–0.88. Trait correlation analysis showed that the fast-growing family had more frequent shoots, and the length of current shoot was longer, while the length of initial shoot was shorter. AMMI model was used to analyze the stability of family tree height and DBH. It was found that the tree height stability of 2 families from Fujian Province(ZP325 and ZP386) was the best, the stability of DBH of 2 families from Zhejiang Province(ZJ5153 and ZJ39) was the best, and the DBH and tree height stability of a family from Guangdong Province(GD8) were the worst. According to the evaluation criteria(5.00% higher in tree height and DBH than the others at each test location and higher than the corresponding 1 st generation seed garden), 13, 4 and 7 elite families were evaluated respectively in Jingshan, Guiyang and Xinyi, among them, one family from Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region(GLN2) and one from Guangdong Province(GD7) were identified as the fast-growing and stable families at the three sites.[Conclusion] The growth traits and shoot growth traits of the 5-year-old P. massoniana are rich in genetic variation among families. The heritability of the growth traits and shoot growth traits are strongly controlled by genetics. The fast-growing family has more frequent shoots and longer shoot lengths, but the fixed growth is shorter. GLN2 and GD7 are identified as the excellent families with fast-growing and stable in each test site.