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南亚热带人工杉木林灌木层物种组成及主要木本种间联结性     被引量:44

Species composition and correlation of understorey woody plants in chinese fir plantation in the lower subtropical area



英文题名:Species composition and correlation of understorey woody plants in chinese fir plantation in the lower subtropical area

作者:康冰[1] 刘世荣[2] 蔡道雄[3] 温远光[4] 史作民[2] 郭文福[3] 朱宏光[4] 张广军[1] 刘磊[4]








外文期刊名:Acta Ecologica Sinica





外文关键词:the lower subtropical area; Cunninghamia lanceolata; man-made forest; close-natural state; understorey shrub composition; interspecific association; interspecific correlation; ecological species groups


Cunninghamia lanceolata is the main timber tree in the low subtropical area. Because of the simple stand structure and the traditional management focusing only on wood production, the potential consequences of biodiversity loss for ecosystem function and services have received considerable attention in recent years. It is necessary to change stand structure and species composition of Chinese fir plantation in order to increase its species diversity and ecosystem services. The understorey woody plant is beneficial to maintaining site productivity, species diversity and stability of community. Study on the species richeness, interspecific association and correlation can direct the sound practice of vegetation restoration. There are 71 species in shrub layer in Cunninghamia lanceolata plantation after 13 years natural succession. The species richness and diversity have increased with slight anthropogenic disturbance. The status and function of understorey woody species are judged by analysis of important Value. Ficus hispida, Cudrania tricuspidata,Mallotus apelta, Millettia semicastrata etc. are the constructive species; Periploca forrestii,Alangium chinese,Pueraria thunbergiana,Mallotus barbatus etc. are the subdominant species, Clerodendron cytophyllum, Maesa japonica ,Randia spinosa ,Litsea cubeba etc. are the companion species ; Viburnum dilatatum, Cayratia japonica,Rubus palmatus etc. are the rare species. X^2 statistics and r test are used for testing significance of interspecific association and correlation among 25 main understorey woody plants selecting from the woody population. The results clearly show their interspecific relationships and their differences in resource utilization. Species-pairs of positive association are in the majority. The most species have accommodated the shady habitat. There is a positive correlation between the important value of species and the interspecific association. The higher important value of the species is, the more close and significant interspecific association is. Based on analytical results of interspecific association and correlation, 25 woody plants in shrub layer could be divided into 4 ecological species groups : Ⅰ. Ficus hispida + Antidesma bunius + Mallotus barbatus + Ficus cunia + Saurauia tristyla + Mallotus philippinensis + Maesa japonica + Ficus hirta + Alchornea rugosa + Ficus fulva + Mallotus apelta ; Ⅱ. Cudrania tricuspidata + Sche ff lera octophylla ; Ⅲ. Cunninghamia lanceolata + Clerodendron cytophyllum +Millettia semicastrata + Randia spinosa +Litsea cubeba + Litsea pungens ; Ⅳ. Ardisia japonica + Psychotria rubra + Vitex quinata + Cephalanthus occidentalis + Pithecellobium lucidum+Mycetia sinensis. If species group Ⅲ or Ⅱ are advantaged species in shrub layer, the community would change from coniferous forest to sparse evergreen broad-leaved forest; For group Ⅳ , the community would be relatively stable; For group Ⅰ,the coniferous forest would be mixed coniferous broad leaved forest. The classification of ecological species groups would provide a theoretical basis on judging its ecological function, adjusting the stand structure of plantation and directing the suitable natural vegetation type through the close-natural restoration process.



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