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‘华仲12号’杜仲叶片黄酮类物质组成鉴定及含量分析     被引量:1

Identification and content profiles of flavonoids in leaves of Eucommia ulmoides ‘Huazhong No.12’



英文题名:Identification and content profiles of flavonoids in leaves of Eucommia ulmoides ‘Huazhong No.12’

作者:李慧[1,2,3] 张婉[1,2,3] 李静[4] 朱景乐[2,3] 陈梦娇[1,2,3] 唐骏[5] 孟益德[2,3] 刘丹[6]








外文期刊名:Non-wood Forest Research





外文关键词:leaves of Eucommia ulmoides;flavonoids;anthocyanin;‘Huazhong No.12’;‘Huazhong No.11’


摘要:【目的】了解‘华仲12号’杜仲叶片中黄酮类物质的主要组成,比较分析其与‘华仲11号’杜仲叶片中黄酮类物质在组成和含量的差异情况,为‘华仲12号’杜仲叶片的定向利用研究奠定理论基础。【方法】采用UPLC-PDA-MS/MS法对‘华仲12号’杜仲和‘华仲11号’杜仲叶片提取液中黄酮类物质进行定性和定量检测,并对其组成和含量进行比较分析。【结果】从‘华仲12号’杜仲叶片中共检测到15种黄酮类物质,包括槲皮素糖苷类(10种)、山柰酚糖苷类(3种)和花色苷类(2种)。其中,槲皮素糖苷类的含量最高,为34.6446 g·kg^(-1),其含量占检测到的黄酮类物质总含量的94.32%以上;其次为山柰酚糖苷类和花色苷类,其含量分别占检测到的黄酮类物质总含量的4.39%与1.29%。从‘华仲11号’杜仲叶中仅仅检测到槲皮素糖苷类(9种)和山柰酚糖苷类(3种)化合物,其含量分别占检测到的黄酮类物质总含量的88.51%与11.49%。‘华仲12号’杜仲叶中黄酮类物质的总含量为36.7323 g·kg^(-1),约为‘华仲11号’杜仲叶中的8.88倍,且‘华仲12号’杜仲叶片中黄酮类物质各组分的含量均明显高于‘华仲11号’杜仲中对应组分的含量。槲皮素-戊糖-己糖和槲皮素-3-O-葡萄糖苷都是‘华仲12号’杜仲叶片中黄酮类物质的主要组分,其含量分别占其组分总含量的48.80%与27.67%,均显著高于该物种其他黄酮类组分的含量与‘华仲11号’杜仲叶片中对应组分的含量。仅在‘华仲12号’杜仲叶中检测到槲皮素-半乳糖苷、矢车菊素-桑布糖苷和矢车菊素-葡萄糖苷,其含量分别为0.4949、0.4400与0.0351 g·kg^(-1)。【结论】‘华仲12号’与‘华仲11号’叶片中的黄酮类物质在组成和含量上都有明显的差异,槲皮素-戊糖-己糖和槲皮素-3-O-葡萄糖苷都是‘华仲12号’杜仲叶片中的主要黄酮类组分,其含量均显著高于‘华仲11号’杜仲叶片中对应组分的含量。在‘华仲12号’杜仲叶片中还检测出槲皮素-半乳糖苷、矢车菊素-桑布糖苷和矢车菊素-葡萄糖苷这3种其独有的物质。另外推测,高含量的黄酮类物质以及上述3种独有物质的存在对‘华仲12号’杜仲叶片的呈色均有重要影响。
【Objective】To understand the main components of flavonoids in the leaves of Eucommia ulmoides ‘Huazhong No.12’, and to compare and analyze the differences in the composition and content of flavonoids between E. ulmoides ‘Huazhong No.12’ and E. ulmoides ‘Huazhong No.11’, so as to lay a theoretical foundation for the directional utilization of E. ulmoides ‘Huazhong No.12’ leaves.【Method】UPLC-PDA-MS/MS method was used to qualitatively and quantitatively detect the flavonoids in the extracts of E. ulmoides ‘Huazhong No.12’ leaves and E. ulmoides ‘Huazhong No.11’ leaves, and the composition and content of the two materials were analyzed.【Result】A total of 15 flavonoids were detected from the leaves of E. ulmoides ‘Huazhong No.12’, including quercetin glycosides(10 kinds), kaempferol glycosides(3 kinds) and anthocyanin compounds(2 kinds). Among them, the content of quercetin glycosides in the leaves of E. ulmoides ‘Huazhong No.12’ was the highest, which was 34.644 6 g·kg^(-1), accounting for more than 94.32% of the total flavonoids detected. The contents of kaempferol glycosides and anthocyanins accounted for 4.39% and 1.29 %of the total flavonoids, respectively. Quercetin glycosides(9 kinds) and kaempferol glycosides( 3 kinds) were only detected from the leaves of E. ulmoides ‘Huazhong No.11’, and their contents accounted for 88.51 % and 11.49 % of the total flavonoids, respectively. The total content of flavonoids in leaves of E. ulmoides ‘Huazhong No.12’ was 36.732 3 g·kg^(-1),which was 8.88 times higher than that of E. ulmoides ‘Huazhong No.11’, and the contents of flavonoids in leaves of E. ulmoides ‘Huazhong No.12’ were higher than those of E. ulmoides ‘Huazhong No.11’. Quercetin-pentose-hexose and quercetin-3-O-glucoside were the main components of flavonoids in the leaves of E. ulmoides ‘Huazhong No.12’,accounting for 48.80 % and 27.67 % of the total components, respectively, which were significantly higher than other components of other flavonoids in the species and the corresponding components in the leaves of E. ulmoides ‘Huazhong No.11’. Quercetin 3-O-galactoside, cyanidin 3-O-sambubioside and cyanidin 3-O-glucoside were only detected in the leaves of E. ulmoides ‘Huazhong No.12’, and the contents were 0.494 9 g·kg^(-1), 0.440 0 g·kg^(-1)and 0.035 1 g·kg^(-1),respectively.【Conclusion】There were significant differences in the composition and content of flavonoids in the leaves of ‘Huazhong No.12’ and ‘Huazhong No.11’. Quercetin-pentose-hexose and quercetin-3-O-glucoside were the main flavonoids in the leaves of E. ulmoides ‘Huazhong 12’, and their contents were significantly higher than those in the leaves of E. ulmoides ‘Huazhong No.11’. Only quercetin 3-O-galactoside, cyanidin 3-O-sambubioside and cyanidin 3-O-glucoside were detected in the leaves of E. ulmoides ‘Huazhong No.12’. In addition, it was speculated that the high content of flavonoids and the existence of the above three unique substances had important effects on the coloration of the leaves of E. ulmoides ‘Huazhong 12’.



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