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不同磷环境下马尾松光合特性对氮添加的响应     被引量:7

Photosynthetic characters in response to addition of nitrogen in the presence of different phosphorous conditions in Pinus massoniana



英文题名:Photosynthetic characters in response to addition of nitrogen in the presence of different phosphorous conditions in Pinus massoniana

作者:万一[1] 雷蕾[1,2] 徐瑾[1] 刘娅惠[1] 曾立雄[1,2] 肖文发[1,2]








外文期刊名:Journal of Forest and Environment





外文关键词:nitrogen addition;phosphorus condition;photosynthesis;Pinus massoniana seedlings


摘要:为探究不同磷环境下马尾松幼苗叶片的光合特性对土壤氮增加及其氮磷交互作用的响应,以2年生马尾松幼苗为材料,于2021年5月设置无磷添加(8.18 mg·kg^(-1),P0)、磷添加(80 mg·kg^(-1),P1)以及无氮添加(0 kg·hm^(-2)·a^(-1),N0)、低氮添加(30 kg·hm^(-2)·a^(-1),N1)和高氮添加(60 kg·hm^(-2)·a^(-1),N_(2))处理,分析不同处理下马尾松幼苗叶片的气体交换参数、核酮糖^(-1),5-二磷酸羧化酶/加氧酶(RuBisCO)活性、叶绿素及叶片氮磷含量的差异。结果表明:氮添加显著提升了净光合速率(P_(n))与蒸腾速率(T_(r)),仅在试验前期(7月底)对气孔导度(G_(s))以及胞间CO 2浓度(C_(i))有显著提升作用,后期(10月底)磷添加环境下的G_(s)则受到抑制。试验前期,氮磷添加均显著提升了叶绿素b含量,低氮添加处理显著提升了总叶绿素含量和RuBisCO活性,磷添加显著降低了无氮和高氮添加处理的RuBisCO活性,且在该环境下施氮显著提升叶片磷含量;后期,氮添加显著提升了叶片氮磷与总叶绿素含量,并在无磷添加环境下促进了叶绿素b的合成,RuBisCO活性在氮磷添加下均有所增强。相关分析发现,P_(n)与气体交换参数及总叶绿素含量显著正相关。综上所述,短期内,氮添加处理显著影响马尾松幼苗叶片的P_(n)且不受土壤磷环境的影响,施氮能提高叶片的氮磷含量,促进叶绿素合成,并通过调节气孔影响光合速率,促进气孔扩张、增加水分蒸腾,进而提升光合能力。
To study the responses on addition of nitrogen to photosynthetic characteristics in Pinus massoniana seedlings under different phosphorus conditions and nitrogen addition×phosphorus condition interaction,two-year-old Pinus massoniana seedlings were used as study material.Two soil phosphorus conditions[including no additional phosphorous(8.18 mg·kg^(-1),P0)and phosphorus addition(80 mg·kg^(-1),P1)],three nitrogen addition levels[i.e.,no nitrogen addition(0 kg·hm^(-2)·a^(-1),N0),low nitrogen addition(30 kg·hm^(-2)·a^(-1),N1)and high nitrogen addition(60 kg·hm^(-2)·a^(-1),N_(2))]were set up in May 2021,the variation in gas exchange parameters,chlorophyll content,RuBisCO activity,and leaf nitrogen and phosphorus content in each treatment were observed at the end of July and the end of October.The results showed:nitrogen addition significantly increased net photosynthetic rate(P_(n))and transpiration rate(T_(r)).In the early stage of the experiment(the end of July),it significantly increased stomatal conductance(G_(s))and intercellular CO_(2)concentration(C_(i)),and inhibited the G_(s) of P1 in the later stages(the end of October).In the early stages of the experiment,the addition of nitrogen and phosphorus significantly increased the content of chlorophyll b,N1 significantly increased the total chlorophyll content and RuBisCO enzyme activity,P1 significantly reduced the RuBisCO activity under N0 and N_(2)treatment,and nitrogen application in P1 significantly increased the content of phosphorus in leaves.In the later stages,nitrogen addition significantly increased the content of nitrogen,phosphorus,and total chlorophyll,promoting the synthesis of chlorophyll b under the P0 condition.The activity of RuBisCO increased with the addition of nitrogen and phosphorus.Correlation analysis showed that P_(n) of Pinus massoniana was significantly positively correlated with gas exchange parameters and total chlorophyll content.In conclusion,nitrogen addition significantly affects the net photosynthetic rate of Pinus massoniana seedlings in the short term without influencing the soil phosphorus condition.Nitrogen application can increase the content of nitrogen and phosphorus in leaves,thereby promoting the synthesis of total chlorophyll,and affect the photosynthetic rate of Pinus massoniana seedlings by regulating the stomata by promoting stomatal expansion,and increasing transpiration to enhance photosynthetic capacity.



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