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梭梭不同种源间种子性状和幼苗生长性状与地理和气候因子的关系     被引量:18

Relationship of seed characters and seedling growth traits of Haloxylon ammodendron from different provenances with geographical and climatic factors



英文题名:Relationship of seed characters and seedling growth traits of Haloxylon ammodendron from different provenances with geographical and climatic factors

作者:王葆芳[1] 张景波[2] 杨晓晖[1] 江泽平[1]








外文期刊名:Journal of Plant Resources and Environment





外文关键词:Haloxylon ammodendron(C.A.Mey.) Bunge;provenance;seed character;seedling growth trait;geographical and climatic factors;correlation


摘要:对6个种源区梭梭〔Haloxylon ammodendron(C.A.Mey.)Bunge〕的种子性状和幼苗生长性状进行比较,并对这些性状与地理气候因子的相关性进行了分析,通过聚类分析方法对不同种源进行了评价。结果显示,不同种源间梭梭种子性状和幼苗生长性状存在显著差异,种子的果翅长度、种子千粒重、单株种子质量和种子发芽率的变化范围分别为5.13-7.14 mm、2.21-3.75 g、2.49-53.17 g和24.45%-75.00%,幼苗株高、新生枝长度、幼苗地径和幼苗成活率的变化范围分别为16.67-56.67 cm、14.33-29.34 cm、4.04-8.06 mm和42.56%-84.45%。不同种源梭梭的种子及幼苗生长性状与地理分布有关;单株种子质量、种子发芽率、幼苗株高和幼苗成活率与经度极显著正相关,果翅长度、种子千粒重和幼苗株高与纬度极显著负相关,海拔仅与果翅长度有显著相关关系;单株种子质量、种子发芽率和幼苗成活率的直接影响因子为经度,果翅长度、种子千粒重和新生枝长度的直接影响因子为纬度。气候因子与种子性状紧密相关,而与幼苗生长性状的相关性较差,仅幼苗成活率与1月气温和相对湿度存在极显著相关性;1月气温对果翅长度、单株种子质量、种子发芽率、幼苗株高和新生枝长度的直接作用最大;年降雨量对地径的直接作用最大,相对湿度对幼苗成活率的直接作用最强。通过聚类分析将6个梭梭种源分为3类,其中内蒙古磴口种源为优良梭梭种源,新疆乌苏种源为较差种源。
Seed characters and seedling growth traits of Haloxylon ammodendron(C.A.Mey.) Bunge from six provenances were compared and their correlation with geographical and climatic factors was studied,and the six provenances were also evaluated by cluster analysis.The results show that there are significant differences among seed characters and seedling growth traits of H.ammodendron from different provenances.The variation range of fruit wing length,1 000-seed weight,seed weight per plant and germination rate of seed is 5.13-7.14 mm,2.21-3.75 g,2.49-53.17 g and 24.45%-75.00%,respectively.And the variation range of height,new branch length,ground diameter and survival rate of seedling is 16.67-56.67 cm,14.33-29.34 cm,4.04-8.06 mm and 42.56%-84.45%,respectively.All the above characters are associated with geographical distribution.Seed weight per plant,germination rate of seed,height and survival rate of seedling have highly significant positive correlations to longitude,while fruit wing length,1 000-seed weight and seedling height have highly significant negative correlations to latitude,and only fruit wing length has a significant correlation to altitude.Thus longitude is the direct influence factor for seed weight per plant,germination rate of seed and survival rate of seedling,and latitude is the direct influence factor for fruit wing length,1 000-seed weight and new branch length.The seed characters have a close correlation to climatic factors,while the seedling growth traits do not.Only survival rate of seedling has a highly significant correlation to temperature in January and relative humidity.Temperature in January has the greatest direct influence on fruit wing length,seed weight per plant,germination rate of seed,seedling height and new branch length.Annual precipitation has the greatest direct influence on ground diameter of seedling,and relative humidity has the greatest direct influence on survival rate of seedling.The six provenances can be devided into three groups according to the cluster analysis,among which H.ammodendron from Dengkou of Inner Mongolia is a superior provenance and the provenance from Usu of Xinjiang is poor.



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