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Forest carbon sinks in the Northern Hemisphere  ( SCI-EXPANDED收录)   被引量:630


英文题名:Forest carbon sinks in the Northern Hemisphere

作者:Goodale C.L.[1,5] Apps M.J.[2] Birdsey R.A.[3] Field C.B.[1] Heath L.S.[4] Houghton R.A.[5] Jenkins J.C.[6] Kohlmaier G.H.[7] Kurz W.[8] Liu S.[9] Nabuurs G.-J.[10,11] Nilsson S.[12] Shvidenko A.Z.[12]

通信作者:Goodale, CL[1]

机构:[1]Carnegie Inst Sci, Stanford, CA 94305 USA;[2]Nat Resources Canada, Canadian Forest Serv, No Forestry Ctr, Edmonton, AB T6H 3S5, Canada;[3]US Forest Serv, USDA, NE Res Stn, Newtown Sq, PA 19073 USA;[4]US Forest Serv, USDA, NE Res Stn, Durham, NH 03824 USA;[5]Woods Hole Res Ctr, Woods Hole, MA 02543 USA;[6]US Forest Serv, USDA, NE Res Stn, S Burlington, VT 05403 USA;[7]Goethe Univ Frankfurt, Ctr Environm Studies, D-60325 Frankfurt, Germany;[8]Nat Resources Canada, Canadian Forest Serv, Pacific Forestry Ctr, Victoria, BC V8Z 1M5, Canada;[9]Chinese Acad Forestry, Res Inst Forest Ecol Environm & Protect, Beijing, Peoples R China;[10]Univ Wageningen & Res Ctr, ALTERRA, NL-6700 AA Wageningen, Netherlands;[11]European Forest Inst, FIN-80100 Joensuu, Finland;[12]Int Inst Appl Syst Anal, A-2361 Laxenburg, Austria








外文关键词:carbon balance; regional; carbon cycle; carbon sinks and sources; forest carbon budget; forest disturbance; forest inventories; forest products

摘要:There is general agreement that terrestrial systems in the Northern Hemisphere provide a significant sink for atmospheric CO2; however, estimates of the magnitude and distribution of this sink vary greatly. National forest inventories provide strong, measuretment-based constraints on the magnitude of net forest carbon uptake. We brought together forest sector C budgets for Canada, the United States, Europe, Russia, and China that were derived from forest inventory information, allometric relationships, and supplementary data sets and models. Together, these suggest that northern forests and woodlands provided a total sink for 0.6-0.7 Pg of C per year (1 Pg = 10(15) g) during the early 1990s, consisting of 0.21 Pg C/yr in living biomass, 0.08 Pg C/yr in forest products, 0.15 Pg C/yr in dead wood, and 0.13 Pg C/yr in the forest floor and soil organic matter. Estimates of changes in soil C pools have improved but remain the least certain terms of the budgets. Over 80% of the estimated sink occurred in one-third of the forest area, in temperate regions affected by fire suppression, agricultural abandonment, and plantation forestry. Growth in boreal regions was offset by fire and other disturbances that vary considerably from year to year. Comparison with atmospheric inversions suggests significant land C sinks may occur outside the forest sector.



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