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夏季3种生境森林内空气颗粒物变化特征     被引量:12

Variation of particle matters in three forests under different habitats in summer



英文题名:Variation of particle matters in three forests under different habitats in summer

作者:段文军[1] 王成[1] 张昶[1] 宋阳[1] 郝泽周[1] 徐心慧[1] 金一博[1] 王子研[1]








外文期刊名:Journal of Beijing Forestry University





外文关键词:urban forest; habitat; air particle matter; meteorological factor; Shenzhen City


摘要:研究不同生境类型城市森林内空气颗粒物的变化特征及其影响因素,为休闲保健型城市森林的营造提供理论依据。于2015年夏季对深圳园山山麓(SL)、河谷(HG)和山脊(SJ)3种典型生境类型城市森林内的空气颗粒物(TSP、PM10、PM2.5、PM1)进行昼夜24 h监测,并同步观测气象因子,分析3种森林内颗粒物质量浓度的变化规律及影响因素。结果表明:1)深圳园山3种生境城市森林内TSP、PM10质量浓度日均值都达到二类环境功能区质量要求,其中HG、SJ的TSP质量浓度甚至达到一类环境功能区质量要求(120μg/m^3);PM2.5质量浓度日均值都达到一类环境功能区质量要求(35μg/m^3)。2)不同生境林地内各粒径颗粒物质量浓度存在差异,4种粒径颗粒物日均质量浓度在SJ均为最低(分别为85.51、58.82、14.29、5.13μg/m^3);TSP、PM10质量浓度在SL最高(分别为162.19、95.39μg/m^3);PM2.5、PM1质量浓度在HG最高(分别为21.76、8.29μg/m^3)。3)3种林地内4种粒径颗粒物质量浓度总体表现为白天低、夜间高的特点,高峰出现在01:00—07:00,低谷出现于11:00—15:00。4)3种林地间相对湿度、风速、气压等气象因子存在差异;林内4种粒径颗粒物质量浓度与温度、风速表现为显著负相关,与相对湿度呈显著正相关,颗粒物质量浓度变化受多种气象因子共同影响。基于上述研究认为,深圳园山3种生境类型城市森林均为人们提供了一个相对健康的森林游憩环境,人们在11:00—15:00进行森林游憩最为适宜。
Urban forests can reduce atmospheric particle matters and hence improve the quality of ambient air. To provide a theoretical basis for creating a health-leisure urban forest, in this paper, the mass concentrations of TSP,PM10 ,PM2.5 ,and PM1 in three typical urban forest habitats as foothill(SL), river valley(HG) and ridge(SJ) in the Yuanshan Park of Shenzhen, southern China were observed during the whole day in the summer of 2015 with a cloudy weather. In the same time, the meteorological factors were also observed to understand the dynamic pattern of particle matter mass concentrations in different types of urban forests, as well as influencing factors. The results showed that: I ) The daily mean mass concentrations of TSP or PM10 in the 3 forests were all reached the grade-II national standard for urbanized area ambient air quality, and the concentrations of TSP in HG forest and SJ even reached the standard grade-I( 120μg/m3). Meanwhile,the daily mean mass concentrations of PM2.5 in each forest all achieved the national standard grade-I for urbanized area ambient air quality (35 μg/m3 ). 2 )The mass concentrations of different size particle matters varied in different forests. The four kinds of particles were all lowest in SJ forest(85.51,58.82,14.29,5.13 μg/m3 , respectively). The TSP or PM10 was highest in SL forest( 162. 19,95.39 μg/m3 , respectively) , and the PM25 or PM1 was highest in HG forest(21.76, 8.29 μg/m3, respectively). 3 )During the observation period, the concentrations of four kinds of particle matters in three forests were higher in the nighttime, and lower in the daytime, with the peaks usually appeared at 01:00-07:00,and the vales at 11:00-15:00.4) There were some differences in relative humidity, wind velocity, barometric pressure and other meteorological factors among 3 forests. The concentrations of four kinds of particles were significantly negative correlated with temperature and wind velocity, and were obviously positive correlated with relative humidity. In addition, changes in the concentration of particle matters were influenced by a variety of meteorological factors working together. Therefore,we concluded that the urban forests in the Yuanshan Park of Shenzhen can provide a relatively healthy forest recreation environment for the residents in the urban area. The healthy time according to the status of 4 kinds of particles is 11:00-15:00 in summer.



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