接种菌根菌对桉树生长的影响 被引量:16
Effect of Genotype and Ectomycorrhizal Fungal Inoculation on Growth of Eucalyptus Trees
英文题名:Effect of Genotype and Ectomycorrhizal Fungal Inoculation on Growth of Eucalyptus Trees
作者:仲崇禄[1] 弓明钦[1] 徐大平[1] 陈羽[1] 王凤珍[1] Nicholas Malajczuk[2]
机构:[1]中国林业科学研究院热带林业研究所;[2]CSIRO Forestry and Forest Products
外文期刊名:Forest Research
基金:中澳合作 ACIAR90 4 4项目 ( 1 991~ 1 994年 )!"借助菌根菌接种提高华南地区桉树人工林生产力"
外文关键词:Eucalyptus; ectomycorrhizal fungi; effect of inoculation
摘要:以尾叶桉和巨尾桉为材料 ,1993和 1994年在广东省开平市镇海林场建立了 2个外生菌根菌接种试验 ,均采用裂区设计 ,4次重复 ,每试验均 2个树种为主区 ,菌根菌处理为副区。试验 1有 8个外生菌根菌处理 ,每处理小区 6株或 9株 ,试验 2有 3个外生菌根菌处理 ,每处理小区 9株。造林后 ,定期观测树高、地径或胸径。试验结果表明 :树种内菌根菌效应分析发现 ,巨尾桉所有指标在菌根菌间存在显著差异 ,尾叶桉只是某些指标在菌根菌间有显著差异 ,表明两树种对相同菌根菌处理的反应不同 ;树种联合方差分析表明 ,试验 1中所有指标在区组间、树种间、菌根菌处理间均有显著差异 ,从方差分量看 ,树种效应 >树种×菌根菌互作效应或菌根菌效应 ;试验 2中树高指标在树种间和菌根菌处理间均存在显著差异 ,而 2 4个月时胸径指标在树种间无显著差异 ,但胸径在菌根菌处理间有极显著差异 ,树高指标的方差分量为树种效应 >树种×菌根菌互作效应或菌根菌效应。胸径的方差分量为菌根菌效应 >树种×菌根菌互作效应 >树种效应。分析表明树种×菌根菌互作效应存在时间上的不稳定性 ;同时 ,讨论了外生菌根菌应用中树种因素的重要性。
Taking Eucalyptus urophylla and E. grandis × urophylla, as test materials, 2 mycorrhizal trials were conducted in 1993 and 1994 at Zhenhai Forest Farm, Kaiping of Guangdong Province. A split plot design was employed with 4 replicates, 2 host species, 8 ectomycorrhizal fungi and 6 or 9 trees per plot (experiment 1), or 3 ectomycorrhizal fungi and 9 trees per plot (experiment 2). After planting, tree height (H), diameter at ground level (D) and diameter at breast height (DBH) were measured at regular intervals. Effectiveness of isolates inoculated for E. grandis × urophylla were significantly different in all indexes between fungus treatments, by analysis of variation (ANOVA) for single species of data per experiment, the effectiveness of isolates for Eucalyptus urophylla were only significantly different in a few indexes between fungus treatments when using the same isolates as E. grandis × urophylla, which meant that tree genotype affected the effectiveness of ectomycorrhizal fungi in field; By ANOVA for 2 host species of data per experiment, order of variation composition for all indexes in experiment 1 was genotype effect > genotype × fungus interaction effect or fungus effect, the order for tree height in experiment 2 was genotype effect > genotype × fungus interaction effect or fungus effect, the order for DBH in experiment 2 was fungus effect > genotype effect > genotype × fungus interaction effect; In experiment 1, only D at 3 months after planting was significantly different between genotype × fungus interaction; In experiment 2, only tree heights at 6 months after planting was significantly different between the interaction. Finally, the role of tree genotype in applying ectomycorrhizal fungi was discussed.