电阻率成像法监测人工梭梭林土壤水分 ( EI收录)
Monitoring of soil water content in Haloxylon ammodendron plantation using electrical resistivity tomography
英文题名:Monitoring of soil water content in Haloxylon ammodendron plantation using electrical resistivity tomography
作者:高君亮[1] 罗凤敏[1] 马迎宾[1] 张格[1] 郝玉光[1]
通信作者:Hao, Yuguang
外文期刊名:Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering
外文关键词:soil water;precipitation;soil resistivity;electrical resistivity tomography(ERT);soil evaporation;root water uptake;Ulan Buh Desert
摘要:土壤水分是影响干旱半干旱沙区植物生长发育的主要限制因素。快速、准确地监测土壤水分时空动态可为干旱半干旱区植被建设与生态恢复提供科学依据。以乌兰布和沙漠东北部人工梭梭固沙林土壤为研究对象,在林内、外(根际、冠中、冠缘、行间、林外)设置了5条监测样线,分别于一次强降雨后的第2天、第15天、第55天用多电极电阻仪定位测定了土壤电阻率,同步采取土样用烘干法测定了土壤实际含水率,建立了土壤含水率与土壤电阻率之间的相关关系,并对二维剖面土壤水分空间分布特征进行了分析。结果表明:1)土壤含水率与土壤电阻率之间为极显著负相关关系(P<0.01),可用幂函数表示。2)5条测线的土壤电阻率在3次监测时均随土层深度增加而减小,而土壤含水量随土层深度增加而增大,根际<冠中<冠缘<行间<林外。强降水后的不同时间内,由于受土壤属性、树冠对水分再分配、树干径流、根系吸收水分等影响,二维剖面上土壤水分空间分布格局有明显变化。随着雨后干旱时间的延长,0~51 cm水分含量由于受蒸发、植物吸收利用的影响而明显降低。3)电阻率成像技术在野外能快速准确,长期定位监测土壤水分含量;对地表扰动小,实现了非破坏性测量;保证测定精度的同时,还能提供尺度较大的土壤水分空间分布的详实数据,可高效快速地获取连续的土壤水分分布信息。
Soil water plays an important role in the plant growth in the arid and semiarid areas,and it is a factor influencing the distribution and quantity of vegetation in arid and semiarid areas.Through long-term and continuous monitoring and assessing soil moisture rapidly and accurately,it can provide guidance for vegetation construction and ecological restoration in the arid and semiarid areas.Haloxylon ammodendron is an endemic tree,and also a main species for sand fixation in Ulan Buh desert.The main aim of the study was to test the usefulness of such geoelectrical method for the assessment of spatial and temporal variability of soil water content in Haloxylon ammodendron plantation.For that purpose,five sample lines were set up in Haloxylon ammodendron plantation,three geoelectrical measurement campaigns were performed in 19 August,2 September,and 12 October 2016.For each campaign,5 two-dimensional(2-D)geoelectrical tomographies were carried out in the wenner array using a fixed electrode spacing of 0.5 m.After each campaigns the ERT were followed by soil samplings carried out with auger directly below the respective geoelectrical profiles.Direct measurements of soil electrical conductivity and soil water content were conducted on the soil samples in situ and in the laboratory.The results showed that soil water content was significantly related to soil electrical resistivity data,by the power model y=81.09x^-0.65(R^2=0.72,P<0.01,n=187).A reliable linear relationship between the calculated and measured soil water content data was found(R2=0.80,P<0.01,ME=-0.54%,RMSE=2.38%,n=190).Five sampling lines of the soil electrical resistivity at three times gradually decreased with the increase of soil depth,while soil water content was the opposite.After the heavy rain event,the spatial distribution pattern of soil water in 2-D profile changed apparently due to rainfall interception by trees,root water uptake and preferential infiltration associated with stem flow.Soil water content was in an increasing tendency after two days of the rain event.As the time continuing,soil water content of soil surface between 0-50 cm showed a significant decrease due to the evaporation and root water uptake.Soil water content of at the depth of 100 cm below the ground had a tendency to increase because of infiltration,indicating that continuous heavy rainfall can effectively supply soil water in the soil surface below one meter.The analysis and monitoring result of the temporal and spatial variation of the soil water content showed that ERT can monitor soil water content quickly and accurately in the field over a long time scale,and moreover,it was not intrusive.It also can provide large-scale and high resolution image of soil water content and water infiltration process.From the analysis and monitoring result of the temporal and spatial variation of the soil water content,we conclude that ERT can be an effective method for monitoring and assessing soil water content and reserves,and thus it allowed us to understand the hydrological processes in sand dune environments.