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Effects of Different Medium and Hormone Concentration on the Rooting of Eucalyptus urophylla × E. grandis Clones



英文题名:Effects of Different Medium and Hormone Concentration on the Rooting of Eucalyptus urophylla × E. grandis Clones

作者:黄安瀛[1] 陈铭秋[2] 林彦[1] 卢万鸿[1] 王楚彪[1] 燕青[3] 罗建中[1]








外文期刊名:Forest Research





外文关键词:Eucalyptus urophylla×E.grandis;tissue culture;clone;rooting rate;root morphology


摘要:[目的]通过不同种类培养基及不同浓度生长调节剂对4个尾巨桉无性系幼苗进行处理,以了解各因素对其生根的影响,为尾巨桉的离体快繁及栽培提供理论依据和技术支持。[方法]以来自尾巨桉同一杂交组合,亲本相同但生根能力不同的4个无性系(EC262、EC264、EC269和EC272)为试验材料,设4因素4水平16个处理的正交试验,培养30 d时对其生根率、生根量、平均根长、最长根长等生长指标进行测量,并评估其生根性状,最后利用极差分析对这些数据进行进一步评价。[结果]方差分析结果表明:植物生长调节剂种类和浓度、培养基类型及无性系均对植株生根的效果具有极显著影响。4个无性系在不同处理下均可生根,生根率在7.5%~55%之间,平均根数介于1~3.27之间,平均根长在1.95~5.02 cm之间,最长根长在2.18~7.03 cm之间,生根性状评分介于27.78%~75.75%之间。极差分析表明:代表生根前期的根系发生能力的生根率及生根根数,主要受无性系的影响;而代表后续根系质量的平均根长、最长根长及生根性状评价,培养基的作用超过了无性系起了更重要的作用。[结论]在尾巨桉4个无性系生根初始阶段,遗传因素是其生根差异的主导因素,而在根系发育的后续阶段,环境因素的影响更大。本研究的结果可为桉树及其它树种的组培扩繁技术体系优化提供理论支持与技术参考。
[Objective]To understand the influence of various factors on the rooting rate of Eucalyptus uro-phylla×E.grandis,by using different types of culture media and different concentrations of hormones treated with four E.urophylla×E.grandis clones and to provide the theoretical support for the rapid propagation and cultivation of E.urophylla×E.grandis.[Method]In this study,based on the four clones(EC262,EC264,EC269 and EC272)of E.urophylla×E.grandis from the same parents but with different rooting,the experiment with 4 factors and 4 levels having total 16 treatments was designed.Rooting rate,rooting number,average root length,longest root length were investigated on 30 days.the rooting traits were evaluated and the rooting effect of each treatment combination was analyzed using the range analys-is method.[Results]The type and concentration of plant growth regulators,the type of culture medium and the clones all had a significant impact on the rooting effect.The four clones were all able to take root un-der different treatments.The rooting rates ranged from 7.5%to 55%;average number of roots ranged from 1 to 3.27;average root length ranged from 1.95 to 5.02 cm;average root length ranged from 2.18 to 7.03 cm;and the rooting traits score ranged from 27.78 to 75.75%.In addition,range analysis showed that the root rate and root number,representing the root generation ability in the early rooting stage,were mainly affected by clones,while the average root length,the longest root length and the evaluation of rooting traits representing the quality of the subsequent root system,the role of the medium More than the clones played a more important role.[Conclusion]In the initial stage of rooting of the four clones of Eucalyptus urophylla×E.grandis,genetic factors are the dominant factor in the rooting differences,while in the sub-sequent stages of root development,environmental factors have a greater influence than genetic factors.The results of this study can provide theoretical support and technical reference for the optimization of the tissue culture propagation technology system of Eucalyptus and other trees.



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