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太行山南麓山区栓皮栎-扁担杆生态系统水分利用策略     被引量:14

Ecosystems water use patterns of Quercus variabilis and Grewia biloba based on stable hydrogen and oxygen isotopes in the south aspect of Taihang Mountains



英文题名:Ecosystems water use patterns of Quercus variabilis and Grewia biloba based on stable hydrogen and oxygen isotopes in the south aspect of Taihang Mountains

作者:孙守家[1] 孟平[1] 张劲松[1] 贾长荣[2] 任迎丰[2]








外文期刊名:Acta Ecologica Sinica





外文关键词:Quercus variabilis Grewia biloba stable hydrogen and oxygen isotopes Iso Source model water use


摘要:分析了太行山南麓低丘山区降水、泉水、地下水、土壤水以及栓皮栎、扁担杆的氢氧稳定同位素特征,结合Iso Source模型确定了栓皮栎和扁担杆水分来源的季节性差异,并对栓皮栎和扁担杆水分利用策略进行分析。结果表明,同一生态系统中的栓皮栎和扁担杆枝条水的δ18O和δD值差别明显。雨季中栓皮栎和扁担杆水分来源较浅,以0—20 cm土壤水分为主,但旱季中栓皮栎和扁担杆水分主要来源均比雨季明显加深,其中栓皮栎主要利用40—60 cm土壤水分,扁担杆则主要利用20—40 cm土壤水分。此外,旱季后期栓皮栎还利用部分泉水,其比例达到了19.6%。二者水分来源的不同,使得栓皮栎与扁担杆在旱季期间能避开用水冲突。旱季中生长在生态系统上层的栓皮栎中午部分气孔关闭,蒸腾速率下降,生长在生态系统下层的扁担杆日均蒸腾速率、气孔导度则分别比栓皮栎下降了46.94%和30.58%。栓皮栎和扁担杆分别采取了深水源及部分气孔关闭和浅水源及低蒸腾耗散的水分利用策略来利用旱季中有限的水分,因而其组成的生态系统表现出较强地适合太行山南麓脆弱环境的生态适应性。
This study analyzed the hydrogen and oxygen isotope characteristics of waters from rain,spring,ground and soil,and xylem water of Quercus variabilis and Grewia biloba in the southern lithoid hilly area of the Taihang Mountains,China.Water use patterns of Q.variabilis and G.biloba were determined with the Iso Source model and leaf transpiration strategyof the two species was analyzed.The results indicated significant difference between δ18O and δ D values of the xylem water of the two species in the same ecosystem.Q.variabilis and G.biloba mainly used shallow water from 0—20 cm soil layer during the wet season,while both species uptook deep soil water during the dry season.In the dry season,Q.variabilis mainly used water from 40—60 cm soil layer,while G.biloba mainly used water from 20—40 cm soil layer.Other than that,Q.variabilis used more spring water than G.biloba,accounting for 19.6% of its total water usage during the dry season.So,Q.variabilis and G.biloba could avoid water competition due to the different water sources for the two species in the dry season.Q.variabilis,which occupied the upper canopy layer in the ecosystem,showed midday depression oftranspiration that was caused by partially closed stomata at noon during the dry season.Meanwhile,the transpiration rate and stomatal conductance of shaded G.biloba were 46.94% and 30.58% lower than that of Q.variabilis,respectively.With different strategies,Q.variabilis by using deep soil water and partially closed stomata,and G.biloba by using shallow soil water and decreasing transpiration,the two species used the limited water sources reasonably during the dry season,as the result the ecosystem composed of these two species showed strong ecological adaptability to the fragile environment in the southern lithoid hilly area of the Taihang Mountains.



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