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配比施肥对柚木无性系幼林生长的影响     被引量:13

Effects of formulated fertilization on the growths of young plantation of teak(Tectona grandis L.f.)clone



英文题名:Effects of formulated fertilization on the growths of young plantation of teak(Tectona grandis L.f.)clone

作者:陈天宇[1,2] 黄桂华[1] 王西洋[1] 周再知[1] 杨光[1] 梁坤南[1]








外文期刊名:Journal of Central South University of Forestry & Technology





外文关键词:teak clone;proportional fertilizer;young growth;dry-hot valley


摘要:【目的】研究N、P、K和Ca不同施肥处理对0.5~4.5年生柚木无性系幼林生长的影响,为干热河谷柚木无性系施肥造林提供科学依据。【方法】以柚木无性系为材料,设置N、P、K、Ca四因素三水平,采用正交试验L_(9)(3^(4))设计9个施肥处理,以不施肥为对照,完全随机区组,3次重复。【结果】0.5~4.5年生柚木无性系的不同施肥处理间平均树高、平均胸径和平均单株材积差异达到极显著,2.5~4.5年生柚木无性系施肥处理(N_(2)P_(1)K_(2)Ca_(3))的平均树高、平均胸径和平均单株材积生长最好;其中4.5年生平均树高9.64 m,平均胸径10.49 cm和平均单株材积0.05185 m^(3),分别是对照不施肥的1.25、1.26和1.84倍,施肥效果极显著。1.5~3.5年生柚木无性系的N、P、K各不同水平间树高、胸径和单株材积生长差异极显著,Ca不同水平差异不显著;4.5年生柚木无性系的K不同水平树高、胸径和单株材积生长均达极显著差异,而N、P和Ca不同水平仅树高生长差异达到极显著。2.5~4.5年生K是影响胸径和单株材积生长的第一因素,P则是影响4.5年生树高生长的第一因素;4.5年生的影响树高生长因素排序为P>N>Ca>K,影响胸径和单株材积生长的因素排序为K>N>P>Ca。【结论】施肥极显著地促进柚木无性系幼林早期生长,经济施肥最佳配比为N_(2)P_(1)K_(2)Ca_(0)(即每公顷施N 100 kg、P_(2)O_(5)100 kg和K_(2)O 100 kg,不施Ca),K极显著影响无性系的胸径和单株材积生长。
【Objective】To study the effects of the different combined fertilizers of nitrogen(N),phosphorus(P),potassium(K)and Calcium(Ca)on the growths of young plantation of teak(Tectona grandis L.f.)clone in Luodian dry-hot valley of Guizhou for providing scientific basis of teak clone afforestation with fertilization in dry-hot valley.【Method】A fertilization experiment of teak clone with nine fertilizer treatment of three levels each one for N,P,K and Ca using an orthogonal design of L9(34)plus no fertilization as contrast was conducted by a randomized complete blocks design with three replications.【Result】The difference among various fertilizers ratios(treatments)reached highly significant on average height,DBH and individual volume of 0.5-4.5 years-old for teak clone.The average height,DBH and individual volume of 2.5-4.5 year-old teak clone with a treatment of N_(2)P_(1)K_(2)Ca_(3)was the best one,and its growth with an average height of 9.64 m,an average DBH of 10.49 cm and an average individual volume of 0.05185 m3 were respectively 1.25 times,1.26 times and 1.84 times of the control at 4.5 years old,which fertilization effect was very significant.There were highly significant differences at various levels of N,P and K in the growths of average height,DBH and individual volume of teak clone at 1.5-3.5 years old,but no significant differences of the growths at various levels of Ca at the same age group.There were also highly significant differences at various levels of K in the growths of average height,DBH and individual volume of teak clone at 4.5 years old,but only highly significant differences in average height of teak clone at various levels of N,P and Ca at the same year old.K was the first element effecting on the growths of DBH and individual volume at 2.5-4.5 years-old and P was the first element affecting the growths of height at 4.5 years-old.The elements influencing tree height and influencing DBH and individual volume at 4.5 years old were respectively ranked as P>N>Ca>K and K>N>P>Ca.【Conclusion】Fertilization could high significantly prompt the young growth of young plantation for teak clone.The optimum fertilizer ratio from an economic viewpoint was N_(2)P_(1)K_(2)Ca_(0)with a ratio of N 100 kg·hm-2,P_(2)O_(5)100 kg·hm^(-2),K_(2)O 100 kg·hm^(-2)and no lime applied.K could high significantly affect the young growths of DBH and individual volume for teak clone.



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