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昆嵛山赤松天然次生林群落植物物种与赤松枯梢病的关联性  ( EI收录)  

Correlation between Plant Species in the Natural Secondary Forest Community of Kunyu Mountains and Shoot Blight of Pinus densiflora



英文题名:Correlation between Plant Species in the Natural Secondary Forest Community of Kunyu Mountains and Shoot Blight of Pinus densiflora

作者:程元[1] 梁军[1,2] 谢宪[1] 姜斌[2] 冯琳[3] 孙国文[2] 张星耀[1,2]


通信作者:Liang, Jun







外文期刊名:Scientia Silvae Sinicae





外文关键词:Pinus densiflora;shoot blight;plant species;interspecific correlation


【Objective】This study aims to clarify the correlation between shoot blight of Pinus densiflora and plant species in the layer of arbor,shrub and herb,and screen plant species significantly correlated with shoot blight of P.densiflora,so as to provide technical support for controlling shoot blight of P.densiflora through the transformation of plant species composition in the stand.【Method】A total of 120 temporary sample plots were set up in the natural secondary forest community of Japanese red pine in Kunyu Mountains to investigate the plant species of arbors,shrubs,herbs and the disease index of shoot blight of P.densiflora.Then the important values of plant species were calculated,and the variance ratio analysis was used to test the correlation between plant species and shoot blight of P.densiflora,and Pearson correlation analysis and Spearman rank correlation analysis were used to quantitatively determine the correlation between disease and plant species.【Result】There was a significantly positive correlation between the disease index of P.densiflora shoot blight and the overall association of the neighboring arbors,shrubs and herbs(P<0.05).Pearson correlation analysis showed that the disease index of P.densiflora shoot blight was significantly or extremely significantly positively correlated with arbors—P.densiflora and P.thunbergii,shrub—Lespedeza bicolor and herbs—Imperata cylindrica,Patrinia scabiosifolia,Sanguisorba applanata,Cocculus orbiculatus,Rubia cordifolia,Belamcanda chinensis,Lysimachia pentapetala,Chrysanthemum indicum,Deyeuxia pyramidalis and Viola philippica(P<0.05).Whereas there was a significant or extremely significant negative correlation with arbors—Quercus acutissima,Albizia kalkora,Quercus variabilis and Rhus chinensis,shrubs—Deutzia grandiflora and Ampelopsis humulifolia,herbs—Juncus effusus,Arundinella hirta and Adenophora petiolata subsp.hunanensis(P<0.05).Spearman rank correlation analysis found that the disease of P.densiflora shoot blight was significantly or extremely significantly positively correlated with arbors—P.densiflora and P.thunbergii,shrubs—Lespedeza bicolor and Amorpha fruticosa and herbs—Imperata cylindrica,Patrinia scabiosifolia,Platycodon grandiflorus,Sanguisorba applanata,Cocculus orbiculatus,Rubia cordifolia,Belamcanda chinensis,Lysimachia pentapetala,Chrysanthemum indicum,Deyeuxia pyramidalis and Viola philippica(P<0.05),while significantly or extremely significantly negatively correlated with arbors—Quercus acutissima,Albizia kalkora,Quercus variabilis,Sorbus alnifolia and Rhus chinensis,shrubs—Ulmus macrocarpa,Deutzia grandiflora,Ampelopsis humulifolia,Grewia biloba var.parviflora and Cerasus japonica and herbs—Juncus effusus,Cynanchum chinense,Arundinella hirta,Isodon amethystoides,Adenophora petiolata subsp.hunanensis and Commelina communis(P<0.05).The results of the two analysis methods were partially consistent,with some differences.Relatively,Spearman rank correlation analysis was more sensitive than Pearson correlation analysis.【Conclusion】Plant species in the natural secondary forest community P.densiflora in Kunyu Mountains form a stable coexistence state with P.densiflora shoot bligh.Among them,13 plant species are positively correlated with the the disease index of P.densiflora shoot blight and tend to coexist,which can promote the epidemic of P.densiflora shoot blight.And nine plant species are negetively correlated with the disease,and difficult to co-exist with the pathogen,which inhibit the occurrence and development of P.densiflora shoot blight.Therefore,the purpose of ecological regulation of P.densiflora shoot blight can be achieved by adjusting stand structure to reduce plant species that coexist with the pathogen of P.densiflora shoot blight in plant communities,or increase plant species that are difficult to coexist with the pathogen.



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