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施肥对毛竹地上器官NPK含量及养分积累的影响     被引量:5

Effect of fertilizers on NPK content and nutrient accumulation in vegetative organs above ground of Phyllostachy edulis



英文题名:Effect of fertilizers on NPK content and nutrient accumulation in vegetative organs above ground of Phyllostachy edulis

作者:张文元[1] 刘顺[2] 盛可银[1] 陈淼淼[3] 吴珍花[1] 温卫华[1] 涂淑萍[1] 郭晓敏[1] 胡冬南[1]








外文期刊名:Journal of Anhui Agricultural University





外文关键词:fertilizers; NPK content; nutrient accumulation; Phyllostachy edulis


Phyllostachy edulis plays an important role in forestry production in China. The concentration of nutrient elements is one of important parameters to reveal the process of nutrient cycling in the ecological system. The concentrations and accumulation of NPK in above ground organs of P. edulis after being applied with differ- ent fertilizers (45% slag fertilizer, 39% slag fertilizer, special fertilizer for P. edulis) were analyzed in Guanshan Forest Farm, Yongfeng County, Jiangxi Province. The results showed that fertilization had an obvious effect on NPK content and nutrient accumulation in vegetation organs of bamboo. Fertilizations improved the average con- tent of NP, special fertilizer for bamboo treatment improved the average content of P, while slag fertilizer treat- ment decreased the K content because slag fertilizers contain a very low level of K. N content in 45% slag fertil- izer and K content in all treatments showed a trend of leaf〉 branch〉 culm, while the nutrient content in the same organ showed the order of N〉K〉E The nutrient content showed a decrease trend with the increasing age. The ac- cumulation of N was highest in slag fertilizer treatment, and the accumulation of K was highest in special fertilizer treatment and CK. Fertilization can improve the accumulation of NPK. The accumulation of NPK in organs above ground follows a decreasing order: N, 45% slag fertilizer〉39% slag fertilizer〉Special fertilizer for bamboo〉CK; P, 45% slag fertilizer〉Special fertilizer for bamboo〉39% slag fertilizer〉CK; and K, Special fertilizer for bam- boo〉45% slag fertilizer〉39% slag fertilizer〉CK. The total accumulation of nutrients showed the trend of 45% slag fertilizer〉Special fertilizer for bamboo〉39% slag fertilizer〉CK. Meanwhile, slag fertilizer and special fertil- izer could increase the proportion of nutrient content in the branch and leaf, respectively. Therefore, different fer- tilizers had different influences on the growth of bamboo, and the site condition and management objectives should be considered in fertilizer selection.



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