城市绿地系统内外CO_2浓度、δ^(13)C、δ^(18)O差异和来源及影响因素 被引量:5
Differences and sources of CO_2 concentration,carbon and oxygen stable isotope composition between inside and outside of a green space system and influencing factors in an urban area
英文题名:Differences and sources of CO_2 concentration,carbon and oxygen stable isotope composition between inside and outside of a green space system and influencing factors in an urban area
作者:孙守家[1,2] 孟平[1,2] 张劲松[1,2] 舒健骅[3] 郑宁[1,2]
外文期刊名:Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology
外文关键词:urban green space system; stable isotope; CO2concentration; traffic volume; source
The off-axis integrated cavity output spectroscopy technique was used to measure air CO2 concentration,stable carbon( δ13C) and oxygen( δ18O) isotope ratios on the Fourth Ring Road( FRR) and in the green space system of Beijing Institute of Landscape Architecture( BILA) in summer and winter seasons. The variations of CO2 concentration,δ13C value,δ18O value and the differences of them between the FRR and the BILA,which were correlated with traffic volume and meteorological factors,were analyzed at half-hour timescale. The results showed that traffic volume on the FRR was large both in summer and winter with obvious morning and evening rush hours,and more than 150 thousands vehicles were observed everyday during the observation periods. Diurnal variation of the CO2 concentration showed a two-peak curve both on the FRR and in the green space system of the BILA. In contrast,diurnal variation of δ13C value was a two-trough curve while diurnal variation of δ18O value was a single-trough curve. The differences of CO2 concentration,δ13C value and δ18O value between the FRR and the green space system of BILA in summer were greater than those in winter. The carbon isotope partitioning results showed that in summer vehicle exhaust contributed 64. 9% to total atmospheric CO2 of the FRR during measurement time,while heterotrophic respiration contributed 56. 3% to total atmospheric CO2 of the green space system in BILA.Howe-ver,in winter atmospheric CO2 from both the FRR and green space system mostly came from vehicle exhaust. Stepwise regression analysis indicated that differences of CO2 concentration between the FRR and green space system were significantly related to vehicle volume and solar radiation at half-hour timescale,while solar radiation and relative humidity were the main meteorological factors causing δ13C and δ18O differences between the FRR and green space system. Plants in the green space system strongly assimilated CO2 from fossil fuel burning by photosynthesis to maintain carbon and oxygen balance of urban area in the growing season,which played an important role in improving urban ecological environment.