Use of small-diameter round timber as structural members in light frame construction ( EI收录)
英文题名:Use of small-diameter round timber as structural members in light frame construction
作者:Guofang, Wu[1,2] Enchun, Zhu[3] Haiqing, Ren[1] Meng, Gong[2]
第一作者:武国芳;Guofang, Wu
通信作者:Meng, Gong
机构:[1] Research Institute of Wood Industry, Chinese Academy of Forestry, China; [2] Wood Science and Technology Centre, University of New Brunswick, Canada; [3] Harbin Institute of Technology, School of Civil Engineering, China
会议论文集:6th International Structural Specialty Conference 2018, Held as Part of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering Annual Conference 2018
会议日期:June 13, 2018 - June 16, 2018
会议地点:Fredericton, NB, Canada
外文关键词:Lumber - Roofs - Shear walls - Structural members - Timber - Trusses
摘要:Small-diameter round timber is a kind of by-product mainly from the thinning operation of the plantations. It is plentiful and inexpensive, and is generally destined for non-structural applications. Due to the small and varied diameter and irregularly curved axis of the timber, difficulties are confronted to process it into sawn lumber. In addition, there are also many challenges to develop efficient mechanical joints between roundwood members. Thus the small-diameter round timber is rarely used as structural members. This study was aimed to provide an innovative but simple way to use the small-diameter round timber as structural members. Three kinds of composite members were developed to be used in light frame wood construction, i.e. the built-up studs, the wood-steel joists and the wood-steel roof trusses. The shearwalls and diaphragms made of the developed composite members were also examined. To facilitate the fabrication, the configurations of these members were described in a way to provide the details. Efforts were also made to investigate the structural performances of these members, shearwalls and diaphragms via full-scale tests. It was found that the developed composite members could be used as substitutes of dimension lumber in the framework of light frame construction. The developed members could be also prefabricated as standard components in a mill and assembled on site. As a result, use of small-diameter round timber as structural members developed would be an efficient way to increase use of forest resource from plantation and lower the construction cost of light frame buildings. ? 6th International Structural Specialty Conference 2018, Held as Part of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering Annual Conference 2018. All rights reserved.