Spatial Distribution Pattern and Diversity Analysis of Skipper in Middle Area of Nanling Mountains,China
英文题名:Spatial Distribution Pattern and Diversity Analysis of Skipper in Middle Area of Nanling Mountains,China
作者:王旭[1] 周光益[1] 李兆佳[1] 邱治军[1] 赵厚本[1] 王胜坤[1] 顾茂彬[1]
外文期刊名:Ecology and Environmental Sciences
基金:中国林科院基本科研业务费专项(RITFYWZX 201504,CAFYBB2011004-04,RITFYWZX2011-12);南岭北江源森林生态系统国家定位观测研究站。
外文关键词:hesperiidae;ecological distribution;cooperative coevolution;similarity;subtropical region
摘要:为了分析南岭中段区域弄蝶(Hesperiidae)的物种组成、南坡与北坡的差异、不同海拔弄蝶的多样性及生态分布特点,选择南岭中段广东南岭自然保护区(南坡)和湖南莽山自然保护区(北坡)为监测区开展研究。2012—2015年共发现弄蝶83种,其中南坡73种,北坡43种,加之前人调查和记录的共有53属144种,其中东洋区占80.56%,东洋-古北区占14.58%;在中国动物地理区中,华南、西南、华中3区共有种占31.25%,仅分布于华南区占29.17%,华南区与西南区共有种占13.89%,华南区与华中区共有种占12.50%。在种的数量上,南坡高于北坡;除北坡海拔600 m外,各监测点种的数量存在年际间波动,呈现先下降后上升再下降的趋势,且优势种不相同,南坡海拔600、1 100 m和北坡600 m的优势种均为旖弄蝶Isoteinon lamprospilus,而北坡1 100m的优势种为白弄蝶Abraximorphadavidii,山顶的优势种为无趾弄蝶Hasoraanura;中等海拨(1 000—1 100 m)山地常绿阔叶林中的物种数、种群密度和各生物多样性指数,均高于低山常绿阔叶林(500—600 m)和山顶矮林(1 850—1 902 m),该结果符合有关生物多样性的"中间高度膨胀"假说;南北坡间各监测点相似性指数在0.095—0.465,相似性指数最大的均是海拔500 m。南岭中段弄蝶在组分上呈现热带向亚热带过渡的特点,有明显的以南岭为核心向周边扩散的现象,暗示了南岭中段可能为中国弄蝶的起源和分化中心之一。该研究结果可为林业区划、环境监测、蝶类资源的保护与可持续性开发利用等提供科学依据。
To analyze the species composition of skipper(Hesperiidae)species,the difference of skipper(Hesperiidae)between in southern slope and northern slope,and the diversity at different elevations and ecological distribution in middle area of Nanling mountains,we selected Nanling Nature Reserve(south slope)in Guangdong Province and Mangshan Nature Reserve(north slope)in Hunan Province as monitoring areas.During the 4-year survey from 2012 to 2015,83 species of skipper(Hesperiidae)were observed,including 73 species on the south slope and 43 species on the north slope.Together with previous investigation and records,there were skippers 144 species of skippers in the middle area of Nanling mountains,belonging to 52 genera in the middle section of Nanling mountains.Skippers in the Oriental Realm accounted for 80.56%,while Paleartic-Oriental Realm represented for 14.58%.In the Zoogeographical region of China,31.25%species belonged to common species of south China,southwest China and central China,29.17%species to south China,13.89%species to common species of south China and southwest China,and 12.50%species to common species of south China and central China.In terms of the number of species,the south slope was higher than the north slope.Except for the elevation of 600 m on the north slope,the number of skipper species at each monitoring point fluctuated between years,indicating a trend of first falling,then rising and then falling.Additionally,the dominant species were different,i.e.,the dominant species at elevation 600 m and 1100 m on the south slope and 600 m on the north slope was Isoteinon lamprospilus,the dominant species of the 1100 m on the north slope was Abraximonpha davidii,while on the top of the mountain the dominant species was Hasora anura.No matter on the south slope or the north slope,the number of species,population density,Margalef index,Shannon-Wieber index,and genus diversity index of the skipper in the evergreen broad-leaved forest at the medium altitude(1000?1100 m)were higher than those in the evergreen broad-leaved forest of the low mountain(500?600 m)and in the mountain top dwarf forest(1850?1902 m),which was in line with the“mid-altitude bulge”hypothesis of biodiversity.The similarity index of all monitoring points ranges from 0.095 to 0.465,and the largest similarity index was 500 m on the south slope and on the north slope.The composition of skipper species showed a transition from tropical to subtropical in Middle area of Nanling Mountains,with Nanling Mountains as the core spreading to the surrounding area.That suggested that the middle section of Nanling might be one of center for the origin and differentiation of skipper in China.The results will provide an important reference basis for forestry division,environmental monitoring,protection and sustainable development and utilization of butterfly resources.