Species-specific and generic biomass equations for seedlings and saplings of European tree species ( SCI-EXPANDED收录) 被引量:60
英文题名:Species-specific and generic biomass equations for seedlings and saplings of European tree species
作者:Annighoefer, Peter[1] Ameztegui, Aitor[2] Ammer, Christian[1] Balandier, Philippe[3] Bartsch, Norbert[1] Bolte, Andreas[4] Coll, Lluis[2] Collet, Catherine[5] Ewald, Joerg[6] Frischbier, Nico[7] Gebereyesus, Tsegay[1] Haase, Josephine[8] Hamm, Tobias[9] Hirschfelder, Bastian[9] Huth, Franka[9] Kaendler, Gerald[10] Kahl, Anja[11] Kawaletz, Heike[12] Kuehne, Christian[13] Lacointe, Andre[14] Lin, Na[15] Lof, Magnus[16] Malagoli, Philippe[17] Marquier, Andre[14] Mueller, Sandra[18] Promberger, Susanne[19] Provendier, Damien[20] Roehle, Heinz[21] Sathornkich, Jate[22] Schall, Peter[1] Scherer-Lorenzen, Michael[18] Schroeder, Jens[23] Seele, Carolin[11] Weidig, Johannes[9] Wirth, Christian[11] Wolf, Heino[24] Wollmerstaedt, Joerg[9] Mund, Martina[1]
第一作者:Annighoefer, Peter
通信作者:Annighofer, P[1]
机构:[1]Univ Gottingen, Dept Silviculture & Forest Ecol Temperate Zones, Busgenweg 1, D-37077 Gottingen, Germany;[2]Forest Sci Ctr Catalonia CEMFOR CTFC, Ctra St Llorenc Morunys Km 2, Solsona 25280, Catalonia, Spain;[3]UR Forest Ecosyst EFNO, Irstea, F-45290 Domaine Des Barres, Nogent Sur Vern, France;[4]Thunen Inst Forest Ecosyst, A Moller Str 1, D-16225 Eberswalde, Germany;[5]INRA AgroParisTech, LERFoB, UMR 1092, F-54280 Champenoux, France;[6]Univ Appl Sci Weihenstephan Triesdorf, Bot & Vegetat Sci, Hans Carl von Carlowitz Pl 3, D-85354 Freising Weihenstephan, Germany;[7]Thuringen Forst Forestry Res & Competence Ctr, Jagerstr 1, D-99867 Gotha, Germany;[8]Univ Zurich, Inst Evolutionary Biol & Environm Studies, Winterthurerstr 190, CH-8057 Zurich, Switzerland;[9]Tech Univ Dresden, Inst Silviculture & Forest Protect, Pienner Str 8, D-01737 Tharandt, Germany;[10]FVA Baden Wurttemberg, Dept Biometry & Informat, Wonnhaldestr 4, D-79100 Freiburg, Germany;[11]Univ Leipzig, Systemat Bot & Funct Biodivers, Johannisallee 21, D-04103 Leipzig, Germany;[12]DBU Naturerbe GmbH, Bornau 2, D-49090 Osnabruck, Germany;[13]Univ Maine, Sch Forest Resources, 5755 Nutting Hall, Orono, ME 04469 USA;[14]INRA, PIAF UMR547, 234 Ave Brezet, F-63039 Clermont Ferrand, France;[15]Chinese Acad Forestry, Res Inst Trop Forestry, Guangzhou 510520, Guangdong, Peoples R China;[16]Swedish Univ Agr Sci, Southern Swedish Forest Res Ctr, Sundsvagen 3, Alnarp, Sweden;[17]Univ Clermont Ferrand, Clermont Univ, PIAF UMR547, BP 10448, F-63000 Clermont Ferrand, France;[18]Univ Freiburg, Fac Biol, Geobot, Schaenzlestr 1, D-79104 Freiburg, Germany;[19]Bavarian State Inst Forestry, Hans Carl von Carlowitz Pl 1, D-85354 Freising Weihenstephan, Germany;[20]Plante & Cite, Maison Vegetal 26 Rue Jean Dixmeras, F-49066 Angers 1, France;[21]Tech Univ Dresden, Inst Forest Growth & Biometr, Pienner Str 8, D-01737 Tharandt, Germany;[22]Kasetsart Univ, Fac Agr, Dept Hort, 50 Ngam Wong Wan Rd, Bangkok 10900, Thailand;[23]Eberswalde Univ Sustainable Dev, Fac Forest & Environm, Alfred Moller Str 1, D-16225 Eberswalde, Germany;[24]Staatsbetrieb Sachsenforst, Dept Forest Genet & Forest Tree Breeding, Bonnewitzer Str 34, D-01796 Pirna, Germany
基金:We thank the national research project "Ecosystem Services of Natural Forests at Forestry and Climate Policy (FKZ 3511 84 0200),'' from the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN) of the Federal Ministry for the Environment Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) for funding this project. We are also grateful for the technical assistances and support in the field and laboratory by (working group Ammer) Ulrike Westphal, Andreas Parth, and Michael Unger; (working group Lof and Bolte), Tomasz Czajkowski, Thomas Kompa, and Heiko Rubbert; (working group Scherer-Lorenzen) Sigrid Berger, Felix Berthold, Stephanie Katsch, Joanna McMillan, Vlad Tataru, and Stefan Trogisch; (working group Balandier) Virginie Chirent and Ludivine Guinard for helping with the seedling excavation; (working group Kandler) wished to thank Rainer Kruse for conducting the field sampling. The BIOTREE sites Bechstedt and Kaltenborn are maintained by the Federal Forestry Office Thuringer Wald (Bundesforstamt Thuringer Wald), and we also wish to thank them.
外文关键词:Juvenile tree biomass; Allometric equations; Forest regeneration
摘要:Biomass equations are a helpful tool to estimate the tree and stand biomass production and standing stock. Such estimations are of great interest for science but also of great importance for global reports on the carbon cycle and the global climate system. Even though there are various collections and generic meta-analyses available with biomass equations for mature trees, reports on biomass equations for juvenile trees (seedlings and saplings) are mainly missing. Against the background of an increasing amount of reforestation and afforestation projects and forests in young successional stages, such equations are required. In this study we have collected data from various studies on the aboveground woody biomass of 19 common tree species growing in Europe. The aim of this paper was to calculate species-specific biomass equations for the aboveground woody biomass of single trees in dependence of root-collar-diameter (RCD), height (H) and the combination of the two (RCD2 H). Next to calculating species-specific biomass equations for the species available in the dataset, we also calculated generic biomass equations for all broadleaved species and all conifer species. The biomass equations should be a contribution to the pool of published biomass equations, whereas the novelty is here that the equations were exclusively derived for young trees.