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光照强度和容器规格对纳塔栎1年生容器苗生长的影响     被引量:22

Effects of light intensity and container size on growth of one-year-old seedlings of Quercus nuttallii



英文题名:Effects of light intensity and container size on growth of one-year-old seedlings of Quercus nuttallii

作者:李峰卿[1,2] 姚甲宝[1] 曾平生[1]








外文期刊名:Journal of South China Agricultural University





外文关键词:Quercus nuttallii; container seedling ; seedling height ; ground diameter; Logistic model;container size; light intensity


摘要:【目的】通过了解不同光照强度下纳塔栎Quercus nuttallii的苗期生长节律,筛选出适宜幼苗生长的光照强度及容器规格,为今后生产中容器苗培育及管理提供理论依据和实践指导。【方法】采用单因素试验设计研究光照强度[50%、75%和100%(对照)]和容器规格(8 cm×10 cm、10 cm×15 cm和15 cm×20 cm)对容器苗生长的影响,并用Logistic方程对不同光照强度下苗高和地径生长动态进行拟合。【结果】在生长前期(6月26日前),遮阴处理明显促进了苗高生长,至生长季末,各处理间的苗高差异却不显著;在整个生长季,遮阴处理皆显著提高了幼苗地径生长,均表现为75%光照强度处理最优。纳塔栎苗高和地径生长节律有所差异,遮阴处理使得苗高线性生长起始期和末期均提前,相比对照,50%光照强度处理的苗高线性生长期缩短21 d,75%光照强度处理的线性生长期与对照无显著差异,50%和100%光照强度处理的地径线性生长期分别比75%光照强度处理延长了19和16 d;苗高的线性生长持续时间均远低于地径,这表明纳塔栎苗高停止生长后,地径还在持续生长。容器规格对苗高、地径及高径比具有显著影响;随着容器规格的增大,苗高和地径显著增长;在较大容器规格(15 cm×20 cm)中,苗高和地径均达到最大值,分别为98.83 cm和11.68 mm。【结论】在生产中应选用较大规格容器(15 cm×20 cm)培育纳塔栎优质苗木。纳塔栎苗高和地径存在异速生长,在苗木管理中,幼苗生长前期采用50%光照强度培养,苗高线性生长期采用75%光照强度培养,秋季转移到全光照下培养,生长末期应以地径作为判断苗木是否进入停止生长的指标。
【Objective】 To study the growth rhythm of Nuttall oak (Quercus nuttallii) seedlings under different light intensities, find out the appropriate light intensity and container size for seedling growth, and provide a theoretical basis and guidance for cultivation and management of container seedlings in the future. 【Method】Single factor experiments were used to study the effects of light intensities (50%,75% and 100%)and container sizes(8 cm×10 cm,10 cm×15 cm and 15 cm×20 cm)on seedling growth. Logistic equations were used to fit the growth of seedling height and ground diameter under different light intensities. 【Result】At the early stage of growth (before June 26), shading clearly promoted growth of seedling height. By the end of the growth season, the increments of seedling height were not significantly different among light treatments. Throughout the growth season, ground diameter was significantly enhanced by shading with the optimal light intensity being 75%. The growth rhythms of seedling height and ground diameter were generally consistent. Shading shifted the initial and final stages of linear growth of seedling height to earlier time. The linear growth days (LGD) of 50% light was 21 days shorter compared to 100% light, and the LGD of 75% and 100% light were not significantly different, while the LGD of ground diameter of 50% and 100% light were longer 19 days and 16 days than that of 75% light, respectively. LGD of seedlings height was substantially longer than that of ground diameter,indicating that when seedling height growth stopped, the ground diameter continued to grow. Container size significantly influenced seedling height, ground diameter and the ratio of height to diameter. Seedling height and ground diameter significantly increased by larger containers, and both were the highest (98.83 cm and 11.68 mm) in the 15 cm×20 cm container. 【Conclusion】 Larger container (15 cm×20 cm) should be used to cultivate high quality seedlings of Q. nuttallii. Considering seedling height and ground diameter, we should use 50% light at the early stage of growth, then 75% light during the linear growth stage, and full light starting from Fall. At the late stage, ground diameter should be used as the index for detecting the ending of growth.



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