英文题名:The Chronicle of the Dendrologist of HONG Tao
外文关键词:HONG Tao;chronicle;dendrologist
摘要:洪涛先生是世界著名的树木学家,毕生从事植物学、植物分类学、树木学教学及科研工作,长达50余年,对全国24个省(市、自治区)的森林及植物进行了标本采集.他1923年出生在江苏省扬州市的一个商人家庭,1943年在重庆考入中央大学,1944年转入云南大学,1945年转入四川成都金陵大学植物病理学系,1948 年从南京金陵大学毕业后留校,专门从事植物学和植物分类学教学与研究.他对树木分类有独特兴趣,先后担任植物分类学教授史德蔚博士和树木学家陈嵘教授的助教. 1952年任南京林学院树木学家郑万钧教授助教,参与编写《树木学教科书》《中国树木学》《树木图谱》《树木学》《中国树木志》《中国主要树种造林技术》. 1979年到中国林业科学研究院工作,协助郑万钧教授组织编写《中国树木志》第 1、2卷;1983年郑万钧教授去世后继续担任《中国树木志》总编辑,组织编写《中国树木志》第3、4卷;1997年任《中国高等植物》主编之一. 2018年1月2日病逝,享年95岁.洪涛发表论文13篇,出版著作14部(含译作),编辑书稿达 4000万字以上,曾任国际树木学会会员,中国林学会树木学分会(专业委员会)第一、二、三届委员会副主任,中国花卉协会牡丹芍药分会顾问等职.洪涛先生自称是中国树木学"终身的助手"永远的编书匠和"恪尽职守的看门"人.
Mr. HONG Tao was a world famous dendrologist. He had been engaged in botany, plant taxonomy, dendrology teaching and scientific research for more than 50 years. He collected specimens on forests and plants in 24 provinces (municipalities and autonomous regions) of China. HONG Tao was born in 1923 in a merchant family in Yangzhou City, Jiangsu Province and was admitted to the Central University in Chongqing in 1943, transferred to Yunnan University in 1944 to the Department of Plant Pathology, University of Nanking, Chengdu City, Sichuan Province, in 1945. After graduating from University of Nanking, Nanjing City, in 1948, he stayed at the university and specialized in teaching and research of botany and plant taxonomy, and had a unique interest in tree taxonomy. He successively served as assistants to Dr. Albert N. Steward, an American professor of plant taxonomy, and Professor Chen Rong, a dendrologist. In 1952, he became an assistant to Professor CHENG Wan-chun, a dendrologist in Nanjing Forestry College and participated in the compilation of Text Book of Dendrology, Dendrology of China, Tree Atlas, Dendrology, Sylva Sinica, Afforestation Technology of Major Tree Species in China. In 1979, he worked in the Chinese Academy of Forestry and assisted Professor CHENG Wanchun in organizing and compiling Volume Ⅰ and Volume Ⅱ of Sylva Sinica. After the death of Professor CHENG Wanchun in 1983, he continued to serve as the editor, organizing and compiling Volume Ⅲ and Volume Ⅳ of Sylva Sinica, and in 1997 he was one of the chief editors of Higher Plants of China. He died on January 2, 2018 at his 95 years age. During his lifetime, HONG Tao published 13 papers, 14 books (including translations), and edited manuscripts that amounted to over 40 million words. He was a member of the International Society of Arboriculture, deputy director of the first, the second and the third committees of the Dendrology Branch of the Chinese Society of Forestry ( Professional Committee), and consultant of the Peony and Paeonia Branch of Chinese Flower Association. Mr. HONG Tao called himself to be “lifelong assistant”,“ eternal bookmaker” and “conscientious gatekeeper” of Chinese dendrology before his death.